De Frank continues, "For the sake of the records, might: change my rank for. I recéived a small promotion a while back. Best of Luck on the. coming _season, as always 1 will be’ following your results game for gates fe “ete e ly regards to Dr, ‘Lawson, Miss’ Lear, Dr. Woodruff, and anyone else." It isa pheduul% to pass along your greetings, Frank, I am. sure your friends are happy to hear from you, and join me in best wishes to yous Lt. Commander Wm. H. Shannon, a splendid teacher in Beonomics and a swell golf coach, so the varsity boys say, writes that he is still on the staff of the Supply Corps School at Harvard University. lst Lt. Ray Dy Tripp, .with the U.S, Bombing Research Mission, APO 413, New. York, wrote in October, ‘saying, "I've been in England about a year and have served out a tour of missions as a pilot on a Fortress, - Since the middle of Mey I have taken over a chairborne job in London, and it appears ‘likely that I may be here for some time. It is not an uncommon thing to run into former k.U. men whorever’I go, and its always a pleasure to talk over the good Simnas We had while on Mount Greanes Lots of good luck to you, Ray. — me Sgt. Bob Chex! tow: is with a bombing group, APO 660," New York, and says, "Just read a copy of Jayhavk Rebounds arid really enjoyed it. Passed it on to another old K.U, boy in my squadron, Lt. '¢. F, Sherwood,. He is from out near Dodge City. ee... Have mde recent missions over Italy and, France and must say the Nazis can still put up plenty of flak. And, “they “don't throw bon=bons at us!~ We are pushing them back but: the job ahead is still rugged. Don't be overoptimistic for an early victoryseeseAm ‘situated on the Isle of Corsica, Napoleon's old home land (tell Prof. Melvin in History Dept. ) Also have seen Isle of Elba. The French here are a hardy race and make excellent wines, cognacs, ete. The country itself is quite beautiful ‘and very | much like the Mis sourd Ozarks. nS that Ky hes cheng will look Edo to me." | “We hogio i won't ‘be’ decom until you eon be back on. our ‘beautiful en Bobe:* Lowey Hebiuromt| VB 132, Pleot. postoffice, ‘San. Francisco, an Aggie basketball luminary under Jack Gardner, Stopped’ day for me to fix his’ sacro-iliac. We hadia nice visit ond Iwas’ able to do something for him to put him back in good flying conditiori again. Larry wrote us as follows: "Just received your Rebounds. I'm a little late ‘in’my thanks, to you for straighten- ing my back and for adding me to your mailing list for the Reboundsspes. Te Pe Hunter was one of the’ finest opponents I've. met, ‘Doc, . and ¢ really touched me when: I read of his deaths Today I'm one of: his teammates. on a. larger team and I'm going to try to score one for-T. PP. Our’ acquaintance was very’ limited but I can remember when he cut my eye open in one of our games and it worried him “more than it did me. He was a gentleman player with plenty of. rc ane deter Kenan and I'm sure he went down without 8 “whimper.” 4 6, SS, : We have enjoyed a letter from Mrs. N. Ne “Kline, of’ Mulaniendis Kansas, the mother of Lt. John Kline, I am passing along parts.of it to: you boys, be- -cause I feel sure you will be interested. Mrs. Kline says, "I appreciate your . sending. the Rebounds to me =:8o many of’ the names’ are ‘familiar;.in fact, I have met many..of the boys mentioned: ZL felt very sad when. 1 read that 104 Pp Hunter had been killed. He has been in our home, and Johnny always spoke very highly of him. I know he will be saddened to hear of his demthe oe Johnny is back in