10. Miami again... on his. third period of duty .+.as an instructor in Naval Gunnery.... Our oldest son, Bill, is with General Patton's Third Army: «ois Norval,.Jr., is still at the air field in Chico, California. « « Do you remember Bob Gilliland, of Hutchinson, -who graduated-from K.U. law school in 1941? He spent a year in the South Pacific on an LCT and had many experiences, and narrow escapes, for which he has been awarded the Bronze Star, and a citation. He was home on leave a short time ago, and said he would like very much to receive a Rebounds," : Yes, indeed, we do remember Bob Gilliland and are happy to have his name on our mailing list. . a! cA Change of address cards have been, received from Maj. George B. Smith, former Dean of the School of. Education, APO 408, New york: Lt. Charles We "Chuck" Elliott, APO 16446 =AB-8, San Francisco; Lt, Lloyd J, Svoboda, APO 17830, New York; and Cpl. Floyd J. Svoboda, APO 655, New Yorks | oo » ssote -E dropped: inte Watxins, Memorial Hospital the other day and talked ° with Mrs. Hub Ulrich, -the receptionist. She had a picture of Hubert, captain of our football team in 1941, and two other aces - pals of his, on their PT boate These fighting Navy men looked fit, stripped to the waist, and double- tough they were, because on the shield of that PT boat were evidences of thwarted Jap hate. The -indentations were plainly visible, but the near-punctures had caused the boys mo harm. In the photograph were plainly visible aces and eights, & full house. One of those three boys evidently collected some money on that hand. At times these boys gamble with their lives - and then at other ‘times, - nuff sedl f tisidigveatoiv y | 8 oo. . One of our fine football and baseball players back in the early '30s, Jewell Campbell, now a Seabee, wrote me that he had had a fine visit with Bert Itoga, who played the outfield in '29, '30 and '31. Jewell writes, "Bert has not changed materially, is agile and youthful as ever, has a nice home, latest in conveniences, a lovely wife and a twoeyear old girl. Bert is teaching at Farrington High and informs me he has had some excellent teams in the past few years. . «I accompanied Bert on a tropical deep sea fishing trip which will al- ways, be remembered, as well as a swim at the well-known beach on the island of Oahu.se I was informed by Bert that a former Jayhawk by the name of Strong is in charge of naval housing here, also: Cecil Smay (CB) (football end at K.U. 129,130) was stationed here a while but thought he had moved further on out. . ss I tola Bert I planned writing you, so he adds his regards’ with mine. A note from you ‘would be equal to some of my mother's famous fried chicken or cookies.. I am QT relative to cooking when the wife is present as the wife is also a culinary ver tak of first order. When this fracas is over Kansas is on our itinerary for a visit. +; — ig . | Our congratulations and best wishes to Eugene "Gene" Billups and his new bride, the former Muriel Allison Black: They were married October 14th at Beverly Hills, California ad 3 Ramie Beims, a fine varsity baseball player in 1940, writes that he is at present a recruit physical.fitness instructor at the U.s"S. Naval Training Center, Farragut, Idaho. .Good luck to you, Ramies Hope you’make the Special- ist "A" school in Bainbridgo.... .~ bencitien myc | 3 eee