12. . Enr, Ralph E. Schaake, Navy 416, Fleet Postoffice, New York, wrote from England in October, after spent 111 days on the coast of France. He says, "T have a base job now and Iam stationed at a rest camp. I am enjoying the quiet of this camp in the country. You can take the boy from the farm but you can't take the farm from the = I stall — pion and peace of the — old ear th. fe E3 ft “thors ga: esi ‘And from ‘isis see oe Raul, ‘Stile ese ‘USS : cgi New York - "TI omens your’ last ‘issue of -the Rebounds just before we shoved off. from the states. I have read it over and over again. ‘This trip has been an unusually long one, and I found plenty of time to read all.my Jayhawk Rebounds.’ They really help, Doc, more than words can tells. “They bring back old memories and give you a heck of a lot to look forward to coming . ‘back to. r ise” ‘many of. you ‘ackys he ean sensation asking +0 be colores to Mrs. Alberta Hultéen and to Dean Nesmith. . Mrs. Hulteen's- husband, s/Szt. Ae George _Hulteen is in ‘India. George played outfield and second base on the varsity Ddseball team in '30, 131;and.'32. Mrs. Hulteen says, "I don't ‘want to pass up this wonderful, opportunity, to say hello to all of you who. have sent greetings to me in your. letters to Dre. denne My very best waghed for an gar by! return to the homes youvloves™ 0 .o.0s gbewta: joksw At “datos : Dean Nesmith has received word that his younger brother, s/Sgt Glen Nesmith, landed in Holland with the lOlst Paratrooper -division on September 17. And their brother, Lieut. Ole Nesmith, who was: at-the ‘Hutchinson Naval'Air base, has recently been: transferred ta, a naval intelligenoe..school. in Rhode Island. Dean says, "I certainly wish that I could see each of you, and many. times. I think of all of you. ‘Whenever some of the old fellows come in for a visit we hash and re-hash the days when you were here. We talk about you, wondering where. pois are and what woe are doing.» Good luck: to. you.! Steg a : sheath forgot +e tall you that Ioana ein now ar the fifth times Jone Allen Mons and her husband, Lt. Hw R. Mons +. they call hin "Hoot" Mons, a former stroke on the Princeton crew and now a Navy transport flier, are the “proud. parents of a baby girl born November 8, 1944, to whom they have given the name Jill. I told Jane she. couldn't have Jack; so she took Jill, but she said that is not true, she wanted it just that way. But when Mit came in, he fixed it. He said, "Jane, that is a funny name, and when: I think of Jill’ Mons _ I think of "Jill-blains", Jane says that Jill is Republican because she arrived ‘the morning after election,, end I frankly believe thdt the disappointment over “the election sent Jane to the neeph tals But enough for that portion of the Allen familys eel | . ute os Bob. is now interning at Bell Memorial Hospitals ae and Jean are ae Pe just a few short blocks away in-a lovely little apartment that they were fortunate indeed to get due to. the overcrowded conditions of the akbye ; ihetr address is 8727 Summit St., Kansas eitys Mow” es wot! Tee sabisahs I have been the recipient ‘of. A piteod of chewing. part. oe om \ Bb "pala" ' Winey, and since chewing gum is very difficult for civilians to get 1 doubly _ appreciate Bill's thoughtfulness. Bill is now.at the Yard Dispensary, Mare gf. thd gpa e111 be glad, when we can. have that game of ont tnd etelbor eh ete , _ :