Als Maj. E. B, DeGroot, khysical Training Officer for the Fourth Air Force, 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, says, "Thanks very much for keeping me on the mailing list for Rebounds, You really out-did yourself in the last few issues. You have a wonderful idea in this: letter, and I am sure that the men overseas appreciate it greatly. It has been very interesting to me to follow all these boys through their military careers since leaving the University. The Rebounds, too, is the only contact I now have with the Univer- sity. . . . Very fow K.U. men seem to find their way into this Air Force, You may -be interested in two former physical ed majors: that we obtained for this 4ir Force, however, both 6f. whom have performed very well, Bill Arnold was a - sergeant in physical training at one of’ our :bases- near Fresno. He did such an outstanding job that we sent him to OCS and he:tiow,a.second ‘Afeutenant: ‘somewhere in the Middle West. Ist Lt, George Stapleton we obtained by requesting his - transfer from Florida, ‘He. is now base physical training officer at Walla Walla Arny Air. ‘Field, in thé’ state of Washington. .-He is doing a swell Jov BP there — our. bomber. personnel, in —— “0 wea cna and. ‘Berlin. 3 5 He 8 re was a “igi surprise nine ‘pyle dete: to. Redes dus Lor: Maiott Oo “~ weeks ago in the Officers' Mess at this headquarters. - I-didn't know that he was connected with the air foree in any way and he had forgotten that it was the Fourth Air Foree in which I served. We discussed X.U, and Lawrence, of ‘course, at s ome length. 3 a —e IS Eos 3So.. UE Wes aute to get down’ te: Die sists ~ see “Dud (Burt's brother} - make his. debut, into pro-football coaching when he played. our Fourth Air Force - football ‘team in Los ‘Angeles. © We should have “beaten him decisively; but He capitalized on the breaks, ° I was’ happy for. Dud to see him win his initial game, and it has been good to follow: his success: in all. his succeeding wins. © I certainly hope he can with the National. Championship in his first year. “Many educators, of courss, have raised their eyebrows at a Phi Beta Kappa and an out- standing physical educator going into the tainted ranks of professional ath- -letiest The National. Pro Football League, however, is. conducted. on a protty darn high plane. As’ George ‘Marshall, ‘the owner, says, the professional teams ' admit that they pay their players but many universitfes and. colleges hypocriti- cally deny that they dof, Dud debated tho move for a long tate, but, his ‘salary is such that he. couldn't qaeabe ‘to turn it ‘down «: Bermeb 5d od she a ARS Cols Karl F. Bendvetaige former cominstaaiit of: felis R.O, uF C. neve; tolis us: Seite tiphoae of football in Australia. “Col, ‘Baldwin writes, ."1. have been séceing the football contests in Melbourne: over a considerable period, and each tine have thought of you wondering if you wuld be interested in perhaps ’a “Study of football. as it is played in this State according to the rules which dre quite - different. from. Rugby and. ‘other types: ‘playéd‘in some other parts .of Australia.sees Fie ‘The war being on,. the) teams: are not: quite as good as. would.normally be expected, but an attendance of 30,000 at ‘the games is. not unusual, There is” something doing every moment of the game. “It. is. ‘by far the hest football game, Be have seen from the. standpoint of spectators’ interest, The scores, of course, run very high, , frequently | one team or ‘both scoring’ more.-than. 100 points, To me, it might be- Styled as. foot-basketball since the ball is everything... The -quibbling and de= .. Lays 60 -¢ ommon in our game are not present in this, and it. sqems. to ne. ‘to have great value as a game which: cari‘ be participated in ‘by a large. number, of players. Our ball is not exactly suited to the game. The Australian ball, I believe, is slightly heavier than ours, ond much more rounded at the ends, I thought yo would like to look this folder and Primer over amd perhaps study them a bite" Thank you, Colonel, we are delighted +:o have the rules of this game.