Deuglas County is $2,213,400, the second largest in the state. Douglas County has never failed te ge over the tep in a bend drive, and I am sure that the Fifth War Lean drive will be ne exception. The citezens are responding in a tremendeus way. The past week we in the States have gene through an unusual experience. Never befere, perhaps, in the histery of America, has there been such a pre- feund emphasis upen prayer. The President ef the United States gave to the press, and later that evening over the radie, a prayer for the welfare ef yeu beys whe are undertaking a task that is fraught with dire censequences. Our peeple were transfermed inte anether werld. They knew what D-Day and H-Hour meant, and seme way acress the miles there was a linking of spirits and minds fer the safety ef eur beys. Every church and every shrine had it significance. It might net be that the peeple are any mere religieus, but it emphasized the great need fer seme higher pewer te lead eur beys threugh the helecaust. We knew that many of our Jayhawkers were in that invasion. But we have net fergetten the ether theatres in the slightest. This invasien ef Hitler's Eurepe seemed te center on all the deep emetiens of eur people. Certainly the ether theatres ef war and preparatien fer war have net been overleoked because we realize yeu beys in ether secters are deing your jeb in the same brave and fearless fashien, heping fer the day when yeu can return te the nermal life that yeu se much desire. And the way things are locking new, that day ef expectancy and realization is coming cleser. With every geed wish te each ene of you, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S. Note to Pfe. Miller Cameren: In your greetings te the boys of the baseball team we failed te add Beb Allen's name along with the rest ef the gang. On page 7, par. 4, the reference is te Beb Allen being in the Army Medical Corps at the University of Pennsylvania. His address is 405 Se. 40th Ste, Apt. 306, Philadelphia 4, Pa. I thought we had better clear this up fer eur Jayhawk Rebounders, else they might think that it was Beb Johnson, whese address is VF 15, e/o Fleet Posteffice, New Yerk. As yet, Beb Jehnsen has net been coralled by the fair sex. Harold “Sparky” McSpadden, a star performer for the past twe years as a Jayhawk basketeer, says, "Dec, these women are geing te get us yet." I And tee, I owe an apelegy te the 1943 ever-victerious squad. On page 8 I list the five beys whe carried the brunt ef the battle in mest games, but I want now to mentien the rest ef the beys, seme of whom teek up the lead after Armand Dixen was called te the colers and Charlie Black was laid lew with pneu- monia.e. Certainly I weuld net leave the 1943 team out ef any all-star censid- eration in anybedy's league. The entire squad who received letters and experi- 9De