JAYHAWK REBOUNDS July 26, 1944 No. 10 : Dear Fellow Jayhawkers: Today's news tells us that Colenel Count ven Stauffenberg tossed a sizzling pineapple at Adelf while the paperhanger was cutting eut paper dells in his playhouse ef hell. New the squarehead is burned and bruised, with a prebable brain concussion, while five ef his generals and twe ef his admirals are injured. Seon after the explosion ef fireworks, which blew up the upper basement, he received one of his gangster chiefs in crime, Benite. How mueh like Al Capene is his handyman, Benite Musselini, in that they beth have the same constitutional disease and they will beth end up the same way. Beth have paresis ef the brain. And then an announcement by Tokyo states that General Hideki Teje has resigned as premier and with him his entire cabinet. Mere than any ether person, Tojo is responsible fer the Asiatic war. He nurtured it, planned it, fomented it, erganized it, and launched it. Teje sent his envoys, Kurusu and Nemura, to telk peace, while eut in the Pacific the Jap navy slipped up toward Pearl Harber. The morning of December 7, 1941, came the code message which said that Japanese aircraft carriers were at the previously agreed stations far eut in the ecean, ready te launch their terpedo vlanes and bembers at Pearl Harber. Toje gave the word. The war WaS Ne General Kunaiki Keise, fermer governor general ef Kerea, and Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, whe wis premier in 1940, are the slit-eyed boys that are te rally the monkeys witheut tails te a new effert. Teday Teje is eating the bitter wormweed and gall which has crewned his nefarious effort. Yeu boys have threwn and are threwing the right medicine at the Italian jackal, mussy Mussolini, slimy Sehnickelgruber, teets Teje, and all the rest ef these evil devils whose war-mongering has brought them te their unhaopy ends. These candidates ef hell have pillaged, raped and murdered innecent heme and land ewners - whole countries whose only effense against these international gangsters was that they vessessed material pessessioens while gainfully empleyed in peaceful pursuits. You deubtless have heard that eld chestnut regarding Adolf and Geehring and Geebbels. The three mest lenesome devils in the werld were speeding dewn the feur-lane highway ef Berlin in their Dusenberg at 140 miles an heur, and in the suburbs they ran ever and killed a German pelice dog, the prize pessession of the peasant heme. Adelf cemmanded Hermann te throw that Dusy in reverse. “Ge back and make full restitutien te the peasant family fer the less of their prize deg." Hermann did as he was teld, while Adelf and Geebby remained in their bullet-preef armered car. Hermann was gone quite seme time. Much te the surprise and consternation ef Adolf eut came Hermann leaded with a large basket ef cheice edibles supported on his large equatorial diameter. Adelf jumped up frem his pretected lecatien and expesed his chest te the German public, shouting, "Vat de you mean by geing inte dat veer peasant heme 97 «