Ye This one belongs to the cadre here ond lives in the same barracks as I, His» home is a fow miles west of Lawrence and he is a friend of Ralph Schaake and the Gibbens boys. lle is a followor of Kansas U. sports ond roally onjoys reading your Kansas nowspaper, tho Jayhawk Rebounds, Yo share my copy coach month, but since I am slated to leave hore in the near future he would like to have his namo added to your mailing list if at ail possible. He is Sgte John B, Pierson, 4525 aiF Base Unit (Signal School) Robins Ficld, Georgiae" You bet your life, Johnny Pierson, we are delighted to have you as one of our Jayhawk Rebounderse Bill, don’t get discouraged about those rebels. i: few years ago they didn't know that "Damyank" was two words. Wow they do, so you see they are making progross, and Bill, they are swell fellows. Personally, I know of no more typically aggressive, competent and sometimes cocky boy than the boy from Texas. He will fight you like the dickens, throwing overything he has got at you, but he keeps his smile, and that is true Americanism. Lt. Bruce Voran (basketball '39, 140), APO 464, writes a very interesting note from Italy, dated July 10: "T received your April Rebounds some time ago and fully intended to jot youa line long before now, but there haven't been many time-outs lately end ny letter writing time has been clearly rationed. It was swell to hear of the activities and whereabouts of lots of the fellows I haven't seen since college dayse Fen and T.P. certainly seem to be doing a whale of a job of setting these "rising suns". ae "This Italian cempaign has been quite a struggles The Krauts had the weatherman playing guard for them all last winter, but when he decided to play on our team this summer we really started torgll. Just like in basket= ball and all group sports, teamwork in this business is the key to succes8. We are all hoping that the Eurepean war is in its final stages for we are all getting mighty eager to see the U.S.A. againe Count me in on that post-war reunion celebration and the sooner we can have it the better. "Thanks for sending the Rebounds, and I'm cagerly looking forward to the next issue. Best regards to you, Doc, and a special hello te Ebling, Rope, Cappy, Bob, Harp, Kline and Nesmith. Best wishes to Bob (Allen) and wifes He picked a winner." Bruce, you have just re-emphasized what I previeusly stated in my letter, that the Yanks play the game up to the hilt, but there is teamvork, I think we all realize exactly what you have stated. S/Sgt. George Hulteen, APO 495, sends us the address of Major Robert Ce "Bob" Ross, APO 788, New York, another varsity baseball player in 13] and '32. We are glad to put you on our mailing list, Bob. Drop us @ line if you have any interesting notes you would like to communicate to your friends in the service. Keep your eye on that ol! appie, and swing hardf Only this last week Lt. T. C. “Tom” Bisn«p, APO 49, NeYe, wrote me as follows from somewhere in Italy: " I amwitha replacement command, and while our work does not entail the digging of fexhcilus, it is revessary for the war effort and someone has to do it. e e » Tne colks are stil- at the same old stand, 1608 Noe Penne Aves, Oklahoma City, and I am sure “hey will enjoy hearing from you. Dad's health is not too good, tut Mother does not soem %o