10. ehange from day to day. How she does it I'll nover know... . . So far I have not run into anyoroe from K.U. but in this —_ command we see nouaande of men end I might bump into ssmeene most any day." Fer thoes. who do not er eee played three stellar years of basket= ball and baseballi, ; B. 62.509 University of Konsas, in 2529, T9530 ana 1931, ‘Tom Osis 2rceg ome Ce. wegea. ie a & great reasrd. Ee preved. to be one of those Oklu:cua tuys wao ws a Sacen in Coceh ilugh NcDerm.tt‘s side when he was tutoring those Fighting Ssceners Zosam still sce Tom tlush when Ernie Quigley says, "You CAN'T DO THAT" But thet ha +S beon a good many summers ago, and I'll bet Quig would have a tough time making Tor, blush now, I endeavored to have one of our Univoraity, artists sketch a B26. Ma .rauder, flewn by Li. Col. Jay B, Smith of Valley Centor, Kansas. You re- member in my last Rebounds. I spoke absut tho eee fon, H. W. Goodwin, Field Director. of tho £moriean Led Cress stationed somevhorc in England. "Goody" wrete for the Pightingzest. fierzast dayh. wk wo voult eatsh. "Goody" sent us a couple of snaepshok: with "le. Jayhewk" peinted in a ferocious, fight- ing attitude on the siac of tho tomber with Lt, Col, Smith stanai ing, %o the side in bas-reliof. The caricaturist that did “Mr. Jayhawk" has a Kies‘ of”: death andor his wing - a big tomb with Ur, Hitler's nero on it, Tho artist in our school of fine arts was ufraid that she could not do justico on a mimeo= graph job so she passed it up, but I did send it on to Fred Ellswerth,’ our . alumi secretary, and ho is having an engraving of it that will appoar in ‘his Graduate Maguzine, © Pheer Thanks, "Goody", sand good luck to Lt. Col. J. Be Smith of’ our Jayhawker state, et etttes tes Fred Ellsworth also called our adie teh to the July 8th iis of the Saturday Evening Post which carries an articlo, "She Longest Tour in* History", written by licrtin Sommers, describing amonz other things, Jim Arnold who was a lotterman in basketball here in 1941 and alse troasures of his. class. “From. & pugnacious destroycer's brid; gc, hard wider the German shore batteries, a Post editor gives you.e close-up of hew cne of the hettest beach= heads was pwiched inte Forvandy. Jim wrote Fred Pliawerth and pinpea when — the destroyor was sruising around be*vreun tho shoves in sho Soicn.n islands they thousht ther -rera in como yrevty rough spoks,. bis, ne eee ne vas nothing os compared te what they ect inte on the USO sicCook ia this buac-head landings. Jin yt 2 33* of P-110,38, be. sep .chous coatrs Bop te sftu. the was, and they were ime to the point, Between tas Lines we ae di Powlszig. of nt i alone with the: res’b ef Yile .h BIt woe to) tov wesw to be. proud, of £E3, 7.0, er owe back hums for what thay are és Sag +: kean tiincs coins walle you.ure owe r am rcad.ny in sone of «he tecters the Zhovehs the bef ter yeu rave. Senet < -ever thers idl when you ocme back vou will navo some “hing 0 a ay about. iw thus country 23 rum. ™ gThauate> aid will net cow: back to schecl, bat wil. go into beriaess but fil Lut he wil wose in a feu canines in sornicheening out Some of th2 wad: Pe The comiey has wotven ince whiae he haz Deen array. However, Jim icesn*, say what m= I am pusssing on cuastly how he is fueling. ead & 8 [tu * bate But I do want to quote fisom Martin Scmmerg article: