enthusiasm of these hopeful Jayhawkers, but there are over fifty boys out striving for the honor of representing the University of Kansas this springe The following boys from the recently completed indoor track season are reporting daily for werkouts: Whitson Bodfrey in the distance runs and the javelin throw; Rolland Hamilton in the middle distance runs; Robert Lillibridge in the sprints, hurdles and the jumping events; Harvey Morrow in the pole vault; Dean Patterson in the hurdles; Jim Richey in the sprints; LeRoy Robison in the shot put, discus and javelin throw, and the high jump; William Schell in the middle distance and distance runs; Tom Scofield, last season's Big Six outdoor champion high jumper, will also broad jump and run low hurdles; Frank Stannard, Big Six indoor high hurdles champion, will com ete in the low hurdles, high jump and run in relays; William Stewart, middle distances; and John Sutton in the dashes. John Hawley, middle distance runner who competed in the indoor season, has been unable to report because of a foot operation which will delay him for some time. "The schedule for the outdoor season includes the University of Oklahoma at Norman, on April 15th; the Drake Relays, April 28 and 29; a trimgular meet with Nebraska and Kansas State probably on May 5 or 6; Iowa State at Ames, May 13; the Big Six Outdoor Meet at Lincoln, Nebraska, May 20, and a meet to be scheduled later with Pittsburg State Teachers College. "Kansas experienced a very successful indoor track season under Kanehl's tutelage. Missouri was whipped at Columbia, 67 to 37. Kansas also emerged first place winner ina triangular indoor meet at Lincoln when the Jayhawkers amassed a total of 43 2/3 points, and Nebraska was second with 41% points, while Kansas State finished third with 15 points. The Big Six Indoa@ Meet in Kansas City's Municipal Auditorium feund Iowa State wiming first place with 38 points, Missouri second with 28 7" Kansas won third place with 27 1/3 points, Nebraslm fourth with 22 1/8 points, while Oklahoma was fifth with 16 points. Kansas State failed to place or to score a pointe "The outstanding place winners in the Big Six Indoor Meet, so far as Kansas was concerned, found Frank Stanrard winning first in the high hurdles and third in low hurdles; Ton Scofield tied for first place in the high jump and placed third in the broad jump; Harvey Morrow tied for first in the pole vault; and Robert Lillibridge tied for first in the broad jum e "Baseball will stage a come-back after a cessation of a year for Kansas with the diamond sport. In all probability, Acting Athletic Director Karl Klooz will engage Jackson C. Austin as coach of the baseball teame Jack Austin is in our Physical Education department in charge of ASTP mhysical trainings Jack graduated from Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia in 1930 with a major in physical education and a minor in bielogical sciences. When engaged for the ASTP work Jack was working toward a Ph.D. degree at the University of Kansas. He coached and taught physical education six years before going into administrative work. Austin played quarterback for Coach Fran Weleh, and also played baseball. "The baseball schedule will of necessity be with service teams here in school and nearby camps and stations. Very few of the colleges are indulging in the national pastimee Gasoline restrictions and the inability of the baseball teams to draw on college diamonds will necessitate the scheduling of games with service teams. But the students who are in school who have an aptitude for baseball will have an opportunity to play the game of their choice and at the same time earn the right to try for a varsity letter. * "Tennis will receive attention and should be one of the prominent spring 766