25 He promiseth to fix thee up, but doth not do it. 24. Beware thou the Old Man, for he will make thee sweat; when he appreacheth, look thou on the ball; he loveth to chew upon thy posterior. 25- Keep thou out of his sight and let him not know thee by name: for he who arouseth the wrath of the Old Man shall go many times unto the chaplain. Selah. * KX KK * Mre Clyde E. McBride, in his Sporting Comment of March 31, prints the following: "An Honor Citation for K.U.'s T.P. Hunter, Former Basketball Gard. "When T.P. Hunter was a splendid guard on K.U. basketball teams he may have been a trifle shy on the scoring end of the game, but from all indications, as a marine he is heavy of the offensive. "If you have any lingering doubt on that point, have a leek at the following citation for meritorious service awarded to First Lieut. Thomas P. Hunter, Jre, of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, by Maj. A. He Turnage of the Marines: 'On November 7, 1943, you were the leader of a 30-man combat patrol, sent beyond your battalion's lines in the area of the Numa Numa-Piva trail, Bougainville Island, British Solomon Islands, for the purpose of gaining in- formation as to enemy installations and troep dispositions. Encomtering the rear of a Japanese canpany, you aggressively led your men in an attack, during which they at times engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. Throughout this engagement you and your men were subjected to heavy machine- gun, grenade and rifle fire, and you performed your duties at great personal risk. Your patrol put two Japanese machine guns out of action and killed an estimated twenty-five enemy soldiers with comparatively minor losses among its own personnel. Upon the conclusion of the engagement you withirew the patrol with its wounded to yeur own lines, where you furnished valuable in- formation, obtained during the reconnaissance, to your commanding officer. Your conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States naval service.' "Lieutenant Hunter was a Pi K.A. at Kansas, where he played tasketball on the squads of 1939=42. He was graduated in 1942 and entered tle marine corps in July of that year, receiving his commission at Quantico, Va." We knew the outstanding citizen of Margaret, Texas, Oklahoma Ciity, Hutchinson, Kansas, Centralia, Illinois, and the University of Kansas would never get off the Japs' tails once he started after them! His latest address is Co. E, 2nd Bn.e, 9th Mar., e/o Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco. Since we have used so much space in giving spert dope, we fim it the best means of conserving paper, the number one bottle neck at the present time, to merely give the addresses of some of the beys = your friends, so that you communicate with your buddy when the time and opportunity permite A/C Otte O Schnellbacher, Ense John C. Krun, Sqde 85, Bks C, B-N School, USS Frederick Funston, S.A A-A.Be, c/o Fleet Postoffice, Santa Ana, California. San Francisce, California. 826