JAYHAWK REBOUNDS ak Oe cen tate ; : April 7,- 1944. i eh sient Dear Fellow Jayhawkers : ee, ee oe et. OF VS. On March 30th at 9:30 poem. over Station KFKU I dedicated.my..,. breadcast to our men on the fighting fronts overseas. I am quoting that. broadcast as a part of my letter to yous. = =. © 5 Oe tS iets. aw ee ae ee "Someone has said, 'Cnly those are. fit to -live who are not afraid to diet. This statement brings a graphic picture of the activitigs..of Maj. - Fenlon ‘A. Durand, U. S. Marine Corps (H-S Co. end Amph, ‘Tra,.Bne,, .2nd.Mane Dive, c/o Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco) a’ K man in varsity, basketball end track, whose home is in Junction City, Kansase Major Fen was. awarded ‘the Silver Star medal for gallantry and intrepidity. in action against, the enemy in battle fighting at Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. The award was presented him by Admiral Nimitz at‘an undisclesed point in the Pacifie on March first. The citation accompanying the award stated: .'For conspicue ous gallantry and. intrepidity during: aotion against enemy Japanese. forces in Tarawa, Gilbert Islands, November 20, 1943, while serving with the — Second Amphibian Tractor Battalion, Second Marine Division. While lead- ing his company of amphibian tractors’ during the initial assault.on this island, Major Durand’'s command tractor was unmobilized. end set. ofire ,one hundred yards from the beach by enemy shell fire.. Taking command of’ the infantry troops in his tractors, he caused them to abandon the tractor and disperse in the shallow water. shertly before: two more enemy, shells com- pletely demolished the tractor. In the water ho found-his crew.ahief. who had been blown out’ of the. tractor and:was. suffering from: numerous . shrapnel wounds and the loss cf both légs. Although subjected tc..concentrated .. enemy sniper ond machine gun fire, Major Durand imprevised tourniquets,., and rendered first-aid to his crew-chief. Then; with utter disregard. for his own personal safety, he supported the wounded-marine in the. water, and swam with him for-more than’an hour in an effort to save, his. crew chief's life. His gallant courage and heroic conduct were in keeping with the. highest traditicns: of the-United States Marine Corpse!) § Uo». pet cas: ‘"a'miraculous .incident happened during: this time. While tewing his chief, a shell striick the raft, completely: obliterating from.sight. the... chief and the raft, yet Fen: Durand escaped uninjured... os oii aa ete “"On our home -front, blood: plasma’is’ the mest precious. contribution that we-can make to our fighting men. In the closing. days of the, Red Cress War Fund drive it is fitting that.we should.call to,.the attention, of..ow friends that’ wé cannot give tco much to our men who: are fighting and, bleed- ingen the many fronts. - Our-blood «-a pint scientifi¢dlly ‘drawn .while. we comfortably lie on a nurse's cot - costs us little. .Afterwards we are, even served bouillon; -pineapple-ice and wafers, and. we: are led -by.a..-- - nurse's aide from the cot to a ‘comfortable. resting place to. recuperate. Our boys at the’ battle fronts,..whsse blood is..savagely: spilt, costs..them much, or perhaps all. pe a a se . ‘"Cassino,sinzio, Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Tarawa -- all ef these ‘ and others remind-us of terrible days for cur boys _ The.Red.Cress at his