I weuld have been a strictly "A" student." We knew you'll make it, Snelly, and we are ceunting the days - net the years - until yeu will be back with Armand, Ray, Charlie - yes, and eld Grandpa Buescher if the Big Six would let him play anether year Ensign Diek Miller, whe has been at Cerpus Christi until just recently, came heme en a leave, and drepped in to see us before going on te San Diege. Dick leeks swell, and we wish him all the luck in the world. Lt. Larry Beaument, c/o Fleet Pesteffice, San Francisco, the Kansas Aggie basketball juggernaut, came in the effice a couple ef weeks ago. He had a sprained saere-iliae and ceuld hardly navigate. We fixed him up befere he continued en his way te the west ceast. Larry has been in South America, Africa, and was heading fer the Aleutians when he was called back and teld te revert te the west ceast. Lte Bruee He. Voran, c/o Pestmaster, New York, was a member of eur 1939 and 1940 basketball teams. Bruce, I will never ferget that night in the clesing five secends ef the Kansas - Kansas Aggie game at Lawrence when Ceaeh Jack Gardner's beys feuled yeu with the score tied. Yeu missed the first one, but, brether, yeu hit the secend one and the ball game was ever. The Aggies had again lost by one peint on the Jayhawker ceurt. Just as we are writing this letter to yeu we are happy te receive a nete frem Lee Huddlesten frem the Army air field at Liberal, Kansas. Lee says, in part, "I was just transferred heré from Texas te ene hew te fly B-24s, and my first day en the field I ran inte Ed Suagee, neither ef us having seen the ether since Mt. Oread days baek in '41. Of eceurse the conver- satien drifted - I mean ran headlong - te K.U., and he shewed me a cepy of your Rebeunds which Bill Greene, whe was a greund scheel instructer of Ed's in basic flight training, had given him. I feund se many interesting items and familiar nares that I wender if I ceuld be put en the mailing list." Yes, indeed, Lee, we are mighty happy te out yeur name on the list. . I was delighted te receive a letter from H. W. Goodwin, formerly a practicing attorney at Wellingten, Kansas, and a great athletic fan, who is now an American Red Cress Field Director somewhere in Enzland. "Geedy" writes as fellews: “We have quite a number of Kansas men in our groupe We desire to have at least ene ship carry the fighting Jayhawk. Can you and will yeu send three or four illustrations ef the fiercest, fightingest Jayhawks yeu can capture? Our Jayhawk will see and de plenty." We hope that the Jayhawks arrived, "Geedy", in time te carry the fighting Jayhawkers ever on Adolph's beak. Adolph is catching plenty of H - BE - double Q! S/Sget. Geerge Hulteen, c/o Postmaster, New York, has sent me from “semewhere in. India" a beautiful brass calendar for my desk. It is a perpetual calendar fer the years 1944 to 1971, and George says, "I sincerely hepe that it has run a leng course ef usefulness befere yeu give up coachinge We who have benefited by yeur teachings leok ferward te the day when eur yeungsters can alse ceme under your wing." This is a wonderful Souvenir, Geerge, and I am delighted to have it on my desk. Twenty-eight years is a leng time, and if I stay here as leng as some of yeu beys seem to think, I will be way past the retirement age. Many peeple have asked us which basketball team I consider the best threugheut the years. Will, when the war is ever we will get yeu all 926