The weather is hot and wet, the humidity is very high causing metal to rust quickly and envelopes to stick together. Mold accumulates on everything left idle for several days. It rains at least once every 24 hours, and when it isn't raining the sun is extremely hot. I want you to tell all the boys hello for me and give the P. E. fellows a word, and don't forget old Nesmith - remind him I will be around for my rub-down in about a year. Sincerely, Hub. * Ensign Ernest Vanek, January 4, 1944 U. S. Naval Pre-Flight School, St. Mary's College, Calif. Dear Doc: This is just a little note to let you know that we certainly miss seeing some of those good basketball games that we used to see. Hank Luisetti is one of the officers on this base. I can easily see why John Bunn had such a wonderful basket- ball team. He sure has an eye for the basket, and is a darn good team man also. You probably know by now that I was assigned to the athletic department and put into the swimming department. Besides teaching at least four hours a day, I have had the assignment of keeping up permanent records for approximately 1700 cadets who have to pass at least 8 tests to grad- uate. Some pass as high as 17 tests; the additional tests better their grades. This month I have been given the head of the Swimming Sports Program Dept. This consists of handling about 125 cadets every after- noon from 4 p.m. to 5:30. These cadets are divided into 5 platoons and each platoon has a coach. We have competition for these cadets in individual events, relays and water polo. Give my regards to Henry and the gang. I hope you have a very success- ful basketball season. Sincerely, Envie. * So Ernie Vanek is associating with Hank Luisetti! Hank is a great Ernie. Tell him that he sold me a membership in the “Buck a Month Club", Stanford's proselyting agency to get more money for better athletes at Stanford, and he got my money! I always pay to learn how the big boys do 1%; Q Ernie, your Topeka High School team'is doing swell. Keep up the good work, and say hello to Mary for us. Pvt. Keith C. Grant, Dear Doctor: Plt. 1024 R.D.M.C.3., Do you ever hear from Bob Johnson San Diego 41, Calif. who played B.B. there in about '40, '41? He coached us in track when I was a junior, " belfebelieve. I heard from Carl Barlow a few days ago and he said Bob Malott was doing all right there in B.B. Carl is at Corpus Christi, Texas. Sure hope Bob makes the grade, he and I have seen many a game together, and he was always in there fighting, and usually carried our sole scoring punch. Sincerely, Keith, * 64.