because of acromioclavicular sprain (knocked down shoulder to everyone) to Ed Milkovich, his star player. Chet is an enthusiastic Jayhawker, and if you had heard him behind the bench at the Oklahoma game you would have thought he was poison to all officers. Don Johnson, AS, Dear Doc: V-12 Unit, Bks. 13, Just recently I saw DePaul vs. U. Northwestern Univ., of Chicago and Northwestern vs. Wisconsin Evanston, Ill. and they were both vine games. DePaul walked away, as you probably know, but this Mikan (the tall center) is their key man and is an adept ball handler and | feeder for his height. The guards are fair and the forwards, who look like twins, are very good and fine long shot artists. They look like the team up here. N.U. of course puts on a good game but with more Kansas ; flair for working the ball in, and are a good stable, all around team. Well-coached, as you know, by Dutch Lonborg (K.U. man of yours, wasn't he?) They are | twoogdodtteams, Doc. You'll remember Francis Kappelman, J. P. Turner, Pete Teichgraeber (short- spot) - well, they are all here and we get along together with Bryce Kresie, and worry about old Jayhawkers games. Turner and Teichgraeber are at midshipman's school. Knute Kresie is "@owm under" where more than the weather is hot. Sincerely, Don Johnson. " Don asks about Arthur "Dutch" tonborg. Yes, Dutch's team was rated the number one team of the United States last week, Adolph Rupp's team of Kentucky was rated number two, and Louie Menze's Iowa State team was leading the Big Six. They were all former greats on some of my teams and of course we are proud of them. You will notice Don writes about Bryce Kresie and men- tions Knute. We have just printed a letter from Knute so you will get the dope on the fellow "dowm under". Pvt. Ray Harris (our half-miler) writes from A.A.F. Redistribution Sta. #2, Braznell Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida - "“T have finished my basic training, worked as physical instructor for a while at Buckley *ield, Colorado, and now have been assigned as a permanent perty at Miami Beach, Florida. I am in the physical training program here. The fellows I work with have returned from overseas. They have been sent here to rest and relax from the strain. It is the P.T. men's job to offer games and entertainment. The men come and go as they please, from the beach. We act as life guards on the beach and supervisor of games. We offer them volleyball, tether ball, soccer, deck tennis, horseshoes, punching bags, and swimming. Then enough fellows sign for special entertainment we take them deep sea fishing, skeet shooting, horseback riding, race track, or tours of the beach and islands. I enjoy my work very much and the fellows that have returned are swell guys to work with.” Ray got his degree and had a teaching position before being called into the service. His letter gives an indication as to what many of the physical education majors will be doing after the ware Lt. Wesley R. Channel, Batty. C, Provis. Officers Trng. Bn., Camp Stewart, Ga. 67.6