JA VELWE RES*UITS No. 7 February 15, 1944. Dear Jayhawk Friends: © My last Jayhawk Rebounds was No, 6 dated December 21, 1943. Certainly I thoveht that by January 21, at least, I would neve another on the way, but so many things have heppensd inthe interim that I find that nearly two months have elapsed before I have gotten around to this very pleasent oocasion of writing you beys and giving you the highlights of some of the happeninge here om Wi seatOB Ie <2 6 - eo I-heve teen.checking up on-some of my activities to use 4s an alibi jin ex- plaining to you why I have not written to you sconer. I find that I have been chairman for she University cf the Comunity Chest ard National War Fund orive, the Third ier Loan drive, the Infantile Paralysis drive, ond we ace new finish- - 3ne the: Fourth War Loan ‘drive tcday. Several months ego Tt was appointed secre- _ tary of. the Doublas County Selective Service Board, serving-as one of: three memyers aicng with Professor Cgden Jcnes, chairman, and Bruce Cameron, vice -chairman. | eee ee ee _ oe I:am.now in the midst of a very heavy organization campaign, having been / mamed Douglas County Chairman of the American Ped Cross War Fund drivo for 1944. Dougles County has nevor failed to go over the top .in any of her compaigns, either in World iar Oze or World ar Two. I am very sure that we shall not - fail you boys with the largest Red Cress contribution ever in the history of the. United. States. Cur slogen this year is, "Your Red Cross is at his sido". That means that we are trving to do a job for you in this campaign to show you that the Red Cross is the proxy for us. We uro giving, .< what talents and money that wo can to help you boys who aro fighting. «sid we aro supporting that with all of our hearts and cur money. ‘Tho least that we can do is to give you everything wo.cnn in.the way sf money and the things that you need because you boys are really doing the job fur us, - and don't think we fail to apprec- fate it. That is all wo sldsters can do + and do the job that will holp you boyse a a Na Fe ae pa SOL | I firid that I havo failed to tell you anything about our varsity basketball -. personnel. ‘hile you may not knewmany cf these boys personally, at loast you ‘will.wont to know soothing atout thom, = 7 Harold "Sparky" McSpaddcn, V-12, is. tho only one of last yoar's gang with us, save George Dick who played in a very few games of basketbali last yoar but was inducted al:ng with the cight other boys who played their last game against - Kansas Aggics on March 6th and went to Leavenworth carly the next morning. As “you know, George was ‘discharged last August in California with a bad imeo. He “is finishing his. work for a degree and doing a fine jobe Ho played a great game with the varsity football team and was clected the honer captain. He has given a good account-of himself in the basketball games that he hes played, al- though they havo not been many. ‘"Sparky" has carried the burdon for this yoar's teom, being the only man of much expericnee from last yoar's outfit. Hoe got in