eo the going consistently when Armend Dixon left just prior to the Nebraska game. "Sparky" has been a great little fighter, but our tcam has been handicepped by size all this year. Don Barrington, V-12, is a fullback on the football team and a forward on the basketball team, stands 6 feet 1 inch and is our most aggressive, hustling rebounder. He did not play basketball in high school but starred on the Kensas City, Kansas, Junior College toom last year. Bob Bock, a civilion, has not plaved in many games, comes from Macksvillo, Kansas, and is sport cditor of the Kansan. He is going in the air corps March firste . Dean Corder, a civilian, is a son «tf the superintendent of schools at Wolda, Kansas. Dean plays quarterback, and is a very light, scrappy, oggres- sive fellow, but he has not been able to seore much in the early gomes. Dean also will enter the air corps Marsh first. Don Diehl, V-12, of Smith Center, Kansas, played under Bill Greene. Don is a big, aggressive fellow but is unable to hit the basket from ao guard position, which renders him less cfficient as a versatilo goal~shooting guard, Willard Frank, V-12, played under Godlove at Ottawa, has a bad lmee which handicaps him, but he is an intelligent player. Louis Goehring, V-12, from arkansas City, was seecnd high point man in the Ark Valley League last yoar,. but was restricted until January and was not able to get into the line-up until our season was well alcng, If these boys miss cut on any of their assignments. they are-restricted for a week-end, a week, er maybe a menth. Lou's studies caused his difficulty... and until they bring up their studies the boys are restricted from one month to the next. . ; We lost Clay Hedrick’ and Kirk Scott in December. The boys did not come back to practice in January, preferring to play intramural ball. William Lindquist, a freshman from’Creighton University, and a 4F boy on account of a punctured car drum, is playing forward and quarterback, and-.doing. a good job. Bob Malott, son of Chancellor Ifalott, just turned 17 in October. Bob played last yenr on the University High (Oread) team. He is still young, - and rather frail, but is making progress and getting in big time competition in good style. I predict that before Bob Malott graduates fram the University there will be many ‘pécple who will see the fine handwork ef Tusten Ackerman in. this young chap. -He has splendid coordination, is intelligent and aggressive, but his lack of weight operates against him. Lloyd Palmer, V-12, of Postville, Iowa, showed up eheany one Piney. of. the season, but scems to have hit a slump. | Palmer was an excellent high school player, as was Lou Gochring, but there is a lot of diffcrence .between' high: school and college ball, It is a big change from high school to college and this is evident in most of these first yecr men's work, They cannot, -er at least, do not show that reckless abandcn ond hard drive that characterizes college oe over high: school competition.