Se fine until one day they got me and my boys in a hot-box. I theught for a while they were going to call in the ovtfielders to get us out. Fortum- ately for us, hewever, we got out before they had tine. I have called it a gamo, Doc, and to me that's just about how it: seemed. The same is true on most of the boys that return. The had part of the whole war is tndse boys who give their life tc wine I had some of those and for tiem it must have been mere than a gamee Bleanor's viedéing must have been a. very, impressive offair from the ‘way you descrited it. You and Mrs. Allen aro just about bask where you. started, as far as child: on are concerned, aren't you? Well, the Bible says,"It is good to marry",. and I think 1'1l try it myself some doy. I hope '44 will sce them woll ‘on their road to happiness, The athletic situation sounds. goods “iish I was in the big middlo of it. We may have a little. athlctic activity around here pretty soon. Thanks to the boys that remembered me in their letters. Yours truly, é T- Hamb onc. " TePes they will have a tough tim Sere you out, brother. ‘hen you begin to bat those eyes the opposition had better look out, and I know you ere throwing | oe lot more stuff at them than basketballs and baseballs over there. I remember . nighty well when you went down to try for your commission in the Marines, Mit wlien, Bod Allen and a host cf other boys that I talked with said, "I'll bet | old T. P, makes a great officer", and they weren't missing a bet either on that guess. Everyone of us would put our last dollar on vou, old fellow. The Kansas basketball team played the Fert Riley CeoeT.C. On February 7 at Junction City and we stopped in the bank to see the dad.of-our former scintillating star in basketball and track, Fen Durand. Captain Fen writes as follows: Capt. fr. As Durmid, ~~ 26 January 1944 H-S Co., .2nd wimph. ths Di, ‘Dear Doe: 2nd Marino Division, I haven't written. lately so I'll c/o Fleet Postoffice, drop you a short note, Bill McKinley San Francisco, California. dropped over for a few ninutes this afternoon, and in discussing X.U., I recalled that I hadn't written for some time. Your news sheets, Rebounds, have ‘been coming. in ro gulariy and I really a ane thome I was roughly indoctrinated into action on 20 November when I landed in . the. assault wave against the Japs on Tarawa. iftor having my landing craft shot out from under me when 100 yards from the beach, I spent nearly two hours swimming in the water before reaching shere. These Japs are worthy opponents and we Marines don't uaderestimate them. I was lucky to survive since about one-hal? of those in-my craft were killed and several - others wounded. At present we are in a "rest" camp (so-called), where we are again under- taking strenuous training in preparation for the next opcratione We man-