Te "snother foul on youe Do you understand?" Quigley to Harrington, No answer. The third time the same cxplanation cand the same statement, and finally a reply from sophomore liarrington. "No, sir, I don't understand, but I am getting used t6. you.” Quigley tells that one with a lot of merriment in his tone. He thought you, Paul, were about one of the best, but I don't believe that was reciprocal, was‘ it? Thanks for all your cood wishes, Paul. sic are counting on you when you come back to get used to the larger fomily. Lt... Jone Py an Italy Jan. 16, 1944 1698 Ord. Co. AVN 22" (Q) llth ..ir. Denot crite Dear Dee: 12th. «iy Fores, Received the October 30th issues APO 580, New York. of your "Rebounds" and it was a dandy. Thani:s for putting me on the mailing list....Yours,is.a splendid information shect and was beaucoup interesting to hear what the fellows are doing. I guess most of the X.U. fellows are in the Pacific. I.saw lerb Jiartman about a year ogo over in africa but ‘he is about the only one from K.U,. that I have seene Have little time for organized athletics as wo play nursemaid to trucks seven days a week, Finally got up a little football league and I was given the.dubious honor of headlinesman, It had been so long since I had had any contact with the game that it took me a half to figure out what was going on. Guess I didn't pay cnough attention from where I "sat" at all the games when I was in collitch. Gocd luck to your team this season and keep the Rebounds coming, . Jona Naramore. " Lieutenant John.iHnaranore, with the Eddie Cantor eves, played in *that sterling drama, The Drunkard, oa few years ago. ind did he steal the show! Johnny, we are tickled to death that you are fighting this war so successfully. ishen you run across -lerbie Hartman again tell him to send us his address and we will send him a Jayhawk Rebounds. Old Herb was a great chap, and we are ccunt= ing on that reunion in the not too a cistant future. Ens. C.F. “rosie, ; : January 27, 1944 MTB Ron 20, "Dee Dees c/o Fleet Postoffice, Greetings to you and the stoff San Francisco, Colit. from..iloha. land... Doubtless this.,will find you steering the boys to another championship, . while.yours truly is putting in the licks toward a championship that will "take some time to realige. Yes, Doctor, I'm at the fighting front ond have been for some. time, 4S I told vcu when I saw vcu last May, I'm riding a FT boat and we're not oP ee Oo Porothy Lemours wien we buzz around these. so-catied "glamcrous islends" cf the Pacific. In fact we patrsl all night every other night and on our off nights we are bombed, so you see that it is sort of hard to keep up on one's sleep. During my. step by step trip out here, I ron into Gene Haynes. Gene is a Lawrence boy and a K,U. grad who is coing very well by himself. He is a . Lte (jege) and assistant navigator aboard the battleship, .labamao.