10. meet with my approval) at Eastern B.B. even though I'm a long way from K.U. I hoar from George Dick Guite regulerly so I've been eble te fcllew the past rootlall. season, «The geu3 wita Misscuri really sounded exciting and I'm sure sorry I missed it, How has the B.3, team been mexing out? I deon't imagine you have the taient you hed last yoar but I lnew youtil ‘put cut’ a team thet will . cause the oppenenss a lnt of trouble, If you can just beat 0.U. it will be a sucvessful seasone Is Ernie Pontius nandiling the hreadvasting - again this year? I'd sure like to be there So lund him a hand again. I've teen in England quite a while row and have really enjcyed myself so far. My grandparents came from here but as yet I've not been able to visit their birthplace, However, I have bsen able to see soma intesrest- ing things, I visited an oid Cathedral resently that was built in 959 A.D. It is sort of like a musewm now and has a flag in it tact was carriec by the English at the Battle :f Bunker Hill, Sincerely, Bill Bradferd. " Chess Be Black, A/c, January 2, 1944, Ciass 44F, Sadn, lA, Lemoore Army fying School, Dear Doc: Lemoore, Caiifernia,. _ Have been here at Lemoore four weeks new and am still flying basic trainers. I ge into a new deal where we get advanced trainers in basic. So next week I']1 start in on the At 17, a twin engine trainer. These babies seem to require more ceordination than I've got. They sure give me a fit - but even so I'm still enthused about flying, I just finished an instruments course and can see how tougn it would be to fly blind, I heard from T.P, and he talked about spending Christmas in a fox hole, Also heard from Bill Bradford who is over in England. Its good to hear that Rey and Ralph get en cppertunity at 0.C.A, They really deserve it. Charley. ™ Chariey Black, our all ~Amerivan casaba tnrower, writes about T. P., Bill Bradford, Ray Evans and. Ralph Miller, Charley, Ray and Ralph are still at Scott Field, Ill., so far as we mow. T om not sure that they will be called for 0.C.S. I know they will appreciate the nice things you say about them. Regarding those AT 17 babies - I knew that you’ can handle then, You hendled everything that you havo contacted up to now, so I om sure that you will do a swell job with the twins. We are always delighted to hear from you aad we hope that you will keep the letters coming when you have an. oppertwmity, but we know how busy you are. Hub Ulrich, captain of tho Kansas football team of '42, writes that where he le teere t= gene dan ~ « « = « Pp bad weather. He didn't tell me this. story, but somgone e222 Jig - or maybe it was a certcon in Ccliters wiere there WAS & fleet ct battivehips and a terrific storm was reging - a hurricane, in fact,