12. ford's proselyting agency to get more moncy for better athlctes at Stanford, and he got my money! I always pay to leara how the big boys do it. Eyvnie, your Topeka Figh School team is doing swell, Keep up the gcod work, and say heiio to Mary for use Pvt. Keith C. Grant, Dear Doctor: Plt. 1924 R.D.MOC.3., Do you ever hear from Bob Johnsen who San Diego 41, Calif. plaved B.B, there in about '49, $41? He couches us in track whew I wes a jvaicr, I ‘believe. JI heard from Carl Barlow a few devs ago end he said Beco Minlctt was doing all right there in B.B, Carl is at Corpus Christ:, Texas, Suze hope Bob makes the grade, ho and I mve scen many a game together, and he was aivoays in there fighting, and usuaily carried our sole scoring fuach. Sincerely, Keith ’ Keith was a student in University (Oread) High School when Hanry Shenk ' was the head man in supervising practice teaching. Bob Johnson's address is Ensign W. 2, Johnson VF - 15, _cfo Fleet Postoffice, New York,. N.Y. Yes, Keith, Bob Malovt is.on the varsity and doing splendidly, but hés underpinning is still not heavy enough for the aggressive play of the Big Six, I will pass on yeur guod wishes to Bob Malott. We are glad to know that Carl Barlow is dzing ck. at Corpus Christi. : Bill Forsyth, the outstanding basketeer on the University of Pennsylvania varsity writes as followss A/S Bill Forsyth, . : January 19, 1944 Morge: 41, Dear Doc: ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Haven't seen Bob in a.long time. A Philadelphia 4, Pa. girl told me the other dey that Bob's first case was a woman that was gcing to have a babye Bob-thought there was plenty of time and went out te lunch and when he cams tack he found ovt the woman had asrency had the toa The old saying still goes, "Bad start, good endinge” . « « e. Sincerely, Pe bili.” Bill, I haven't confirmed this with Bob. He may correct this, because Bob had written avout one of his cclleagves who had the same experiences Any=- how, we wili let Bob explain this if it was the other guy. If it was Bob no .. explanation will be necessary. So far as.a lot of medical students are con- cerned, I imagine they don't feel badly if they miss cne of those cheerleading youngsters coming into the world because they feel they will have enovgh ony- how in the Long rin. Someone has said that is one crop that never ‘'nilse There are a low of races that we run, but the human race ere on going forevore