Mire Te Jack Foster President Norman Courts Norman, Oklahoma Dear . Jacks : Your very clever epistle arrived this morning and I am just writing Morris Allder telling him that we will aa come dow to Oklahomm. Oklehomm will be pretty tough for us since we beve not played any games and we have been on the field only four en due to excessive rain and cold weathers Yes, I do remember our correspondence and we hed @ lot of fun kidding you about that Scotelman Me Dermott. Now I have always wanted to be a detective but not psychics These detective stories always intrigue me, but this psychic stuff, I have no capacity for thate You were just so modest about your fine Norman Courts that you did not say that they were alvays crowded because the demmend is so great to stay at such a lovely place. So you see, I really want to stay with you and I doubtless will try agains Thanks, I will stop by sootine and have a coke with youe With all good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach