lst Lt. Clinton Kanaga, USHWCR ~.:°.Clint sent me a jumbo. postcard of the Uy .-- : Blige 16, $0G,_ .... 8, Naval Hospitel at San Diego, and what abe - U, 2% Naval Hoss: =e cal,- Se ae @ whopper i< wast. - ee moe ae copa Bint: : s San Diego," Caliz’ ornia ists i ate: ot t? +n yaess af oe Sie oe Washes 3 ee Sete es eee 535 ry ‘ant are fy not: Fad ee Lisute. William Go ‘Wade, -, peas white as “Fellowes 7S on “flying 385° Box: 206, .«- =8i 8486S _ 5 - Flying Fortresses now-and I..realily likesdts > 5. Hobbs Army Air Field, "- . ‘4, c/DSwas.over Lawrence last ; Soturday on-. By e 7: Hobbs, Ney Mexico. : ee en eure on crcss countrye Tho ‘oid; ot ct Dy MO eo Lo. vhs uw coampus:leoked great, aus did the town,. dee went ofr my ccurse: “about 60. ates dee t6:‘fiy cver Mts Oread.. Littie: ‘did.IA in while I was in- ‘school’ there that I would ever be cver+itsin o-B-17.;- It .was. p oe thrill." - <2 a od eset. F F574 *; Bote mitts sts oy tl an wnges Fade 5 emery te stos totor vilser ad” peabaere- Pfe. Otto 0. Schnellbecher, Otto writes - “Today I saw 500 crew chi fs. S29th TSS, Flight Dje* sete? ce one Abave.the field for shipmert.+= Thai; mepra, Pox 64, He OR tae wu oe si} the: government hus five hundred, now or PED geet Gulfport,” Hibs. a fe °° ~ for-these boys somewhere - for, as: 5000, Bes secs MES tet seed uvin our unico .suthey leave here they are given a new ‘plane to take care of =. ‘Imagine. SOVGIL. - Pehoh te an tie Use7 2s. taming. out-that aany OsinF : month or éven more,-and for: évery..doy,:- they. have a: plane. woiting for hime 3 é i The ee doesn't secon possible, -but- they: are. doing it end they still. are bringing ne men for A“and M schodl.">. = Unclio-Sam-i8 ‘surcly arronging. some. additional, ApS oa eches for the three gangster countries. * won aind ni eSic acto ert we aERE a4 Pfs, Cim'Réad, =) et Bsr os Sacw f - Jim; fovher ly clover sports writor sf HB. | 4y Has, bes Sauadron, "i 2 aggd, 2 opeke phdly Casitas, gems Ue his, leipyloe ee= save. 2nd OTUs, Aske Bey: Ket, Cay: oe urpgurds. .We = -a2ipreeate with our TePL PORT wcealy Homestead, Florida. wD eSS “tat Mi wis rs Maj. Maurice Clavello. Holden, - 7" Glavelle was on. cf cor outstanding: epansi