Septerber 24 (night) Washburn at Topeka agg: Cctcber 1 (night) Denvor " at benver Aight g oe Cotcbor 9 | et Iowa State at lawence hie: -., Cstober 16 as Washovra _ at Lowreace wit tet . October 23 , . -Nebrasxa. at Lincoin 8 preveesy October 30 K. State ct Lawrence tl ese 3. Noverier 6 Oklahoma at Norman hp iene. OevemerI5S: * ..: (open) . net egeslt wot: '-- November 20 : Missouri at Lawrence ; ae 8 oe bal as as a. tot piadls 2 cha. “see RR GB cote et | -Meny of tho colloges ore Giving up the sport. The OPA will definitely check on: automobiles coming to football games and other athletic contests;:s65 I: |. see a very curtailed ovt of tom attendance. It seems to me.that night: gamose: 2. i+i in Lawrence might’ prove financially beneficial. It is not out of the realmiofl: .¢5 pponeht that Kansas. could make more money playing night games at Faskeil Stadium than they could by playing games in the University stadium in the afternoons. The Sunflower Ordnance plant has been greatly reduced in personne) and... :-4 production.” This plant was built. outihere more as an alternate plant in.cass7 the plants near the const wers bombed, and it did look for a white os if sheyiies 25+ might pus this plant into furl production, Many cf these employees and civilinn © merehants can get awny at night, but are not apt to sacrifice their working: isthiv.:.+ hours end the money ‘that it entails to see an athletic contest. But they will. : go at night. ~~ ‘ Scag o Hose? Sd dee Be ota We oe ee iS Lams hecic hotae te Ae wie at cnet -Eawind cebsiee ci at iar 2 REE force. 3° We have not made our basketball schedule as yet, but perhaps the a iietis.. .f iui directors and basket>all coaches will meet in Kansas City on September 4 +o wes draft tho Big Six basketball Schedule... tie will send it to you in the next Jay=™ hawk Rebounds. Cee Sasi = oe - Se y4 eS Eagety: a oe ee 2 eB Reed we ~~ of. . ’ ipgemer: -. %, “4 te Of course you.will reaiizo that in footbali and basketoall the only boys that we will. huve Wii] com from the Navy personnei, and tay Wall brogran is so s+renue ous that if any-of the boys are low in their gBradus tixy will not be pernitted to play. And too,’ none of those boys have had fundarenie.s such as ou freshman received, so the play cannot bo of the high caiibro that :t was oven last year. ". a os ; A ees. Walt Lochman, of KMBC, calied me this morning and wanted to know the. name: or the football coach and to get the Kansas schedule. Walt is doing some brosdsas+s for OWI and for-overseas consumption, I believe it is kis scheme to broadca 3%. Zor the soldiers, sailors and aviators the gancs in this vicinity, such as Kansas,. Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, cnd so fortn. I think it is a fine contribution: that they are making to you boys. | While ws-wore playing Fordham in New York:2a8% ast year Joe Hasel of the Blue Network asked me to broadcast "canned talks", of sourse, for the boys overseas. -.He wes asking all of the. So-called big time conches--vho came to New York to talk so. thant the boys in the different combat ardas would near the voices of some familiar Rn dS speiell 3 remo. Linda = G8e: getiues fLiv . * Scat: ail : a % : : ‘ te lic ,e eotewauct: snark: ode ER a. I want you to know that there are millions of. loyal hearts beating for vdur safety and your welfare. God bless you cll. ve are hoping that it will not be too long until you-are back among us ‘aga: e feel deeply indebted for you: devotion. : Par es a ge saptoed pee so aaa lp Physical Education, Roc FC.A:AH reas