"Please give my regards to Mrs. Allen and Mit and Isabelle. Sincerely, Tom.” RUMOR!!! Authoritative talk is going around among the wise ones that the War Department will raise the ban on the Army boys in the colleges so far as athletics are concerned soon after the football season is over. Doubtless the ODT saw too much travel and congestion for the football season. Basketball, requiring much smaller numbers, may get the nod. However, due to the traffic congestion, the Army may not grant it, but the word in the East is to the effect that they will. We are indebted to Lieut. John T. Andrews, 541 Kenwood Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, and old Purdue athlete, formerly president of Lawrence Rotary Club, and an official in the Kansas Public Service Company, for his beautiful tribute to Wayne “Gus" Nees; "Yhile home on leave I saw Wayne's parents and they are brave indeed. Mrs. Nees showed me the letters from Wayne's company and regimental commanders, a captain and colonel respectively. They praised Wayne as an officer and for his gallentry in action. Beside the Purple Heart medal he was awarded the Silver Star. “Wayne's first sergeant was hit and Wayne went out to get him. He, too, was hit. A slug tore through his stomach and he was taken aboard ship for treatment. Wayne lived over night, knew his number was up but took it like a soldier. "A sailor gave him a blood transfusion but to no avail. This sailor boy wrote Mrs. Nees three of the finest letters I have ever read. He was with Wayne until the end. "The chaplain wrote them a most comforting letter. "After reading these individual longhand letters the lump in your heart swells even more -- What men! What an Army! I, too, second that. What men$ What an army! What a navy! What an air force! I notice where some Yanks said this morning, "When do we go home?" We can't answer that but we can all pray that it won't be long. Until then, God bless you all. Faithfully yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. See