+, JAYHAWK REBOUNDS Rite) a o September, 1943 ea Waicter-pre- ye wi ili: Se See | [yal O O Titecy yon ee i epee TIME OUT .. TIME OUT - FOUL ro... wee 2 It is almost impossible to believe that the No. 4 Jayhawk Rebounds was written on August 20, and this is September 24. Tonight I am driving a car load of Jayhawker football players to Tcpeka for Coach Shenk's maiien effort egeinst Washburn Municipal University in Moore Bewl. Coach Elmer Ceohaake and he have a Herculean task. Deon Nesmith has been helping, and he is the train- er and the "pappy” of the outfit, Nobody knews hew strong Weshburn is, ner - do we know how strong Kansas is. Henry Shenk has had some tough breaks in the way of losing some of his key men that he expected +o start tonight, The- boys. carry 19 hours in the Navy, end that includes physics, mathematics and a ict © of tcugh courses. And if they have a D in one and below passing in another — subject, they are pulled out of competition. It has been very difficult, for the boys to adjust themselves to all the new situations that they are confronted with; consequently, Henry will not have many football players available that he would have had if the eligibility of the Big Six been enfcreed. Here at Kansas it. is o lot tovgher than the Big Six eligibility rules demand. Fred Ellsworth is pianning a get-tegether after “the game with Topcka alumni and Kensas followers. We are hoping that it will - be a joyful mecting. , sscrott e ont : : FLA S H : 4 i The game ended in a scoreless tic: Zansas 0, Washburn O. Last Sunday in Kansas City, Missouri, five of the Big Six basketball coaches mot without the Kansas State Coach. Kansas Stato is considering abolishing basketball on account of tho conflict with the cadets and A-12 boys using the gymnasium. Conscquently, a devble round robin was arranged without: Kansas Stato. Our University of Kansas schedule is printed herewith. We are planning on playing fewer games this. yoar with long trips eliminated. It is aifficult to make any prophesy as to what kind cf a team we will have. As Hunk Anderson is alloged to have said just before Notre Dame started for New York to play the Army, when they esked him to make a spoech: *Al] I can say is, wo will do the best I can"., So the is, our promise for the indoor sport. 1944 Basketball Schedule (Big Six) ° January 8 - Missouri at Columbia January 15 Nebraska at Lawrence . +. Jantary 22 - Oklahoma at Lawrence “Junuary 29° ~~ Towa State at Ames February 12 ~ Okjshoma oat Norman February 19: Nobraska at Lincoln ‘February 26 = Missouri ' ut Lawrence Murcn 3 Iowa State at Lawrenco’