on d oe ; ‘Fz Ense Roy A. Edwards, In a letter dated. Octuber 17th, Roy says: Pup U.S.S. SC-1054, - 1 ss asqerAbout three weeks ogo we hit port ond my first c/o Fleet Postoffice, thought was to see a football game. I saw Amos San Francisco, Calif, - Alonzo Stagg und his College of Pacific team play the Coast Guard. They won by a 14 -.7 soore. Keep. an cye on his team; this seems to be his. | bost in many years. Paul Christman’ is playing with Del Monto Pre-Flight ond must be well. over. 222 lbs. It reminds me of the days when they” : _ played us in baseball ond he could hardly move — around the first’ baso sack," 8 ee Lizut. Warren Hodges, who finiahed ‘third in his class at Camp Davis, N.- ae evOpP re: by on October (14th. Iiis next Lye iaiger is Comp Haun, Cat forel ean. + Lieut, William G. dade, : ee Bill ievene “Reap the Rebounds Coming. ay wy, - $93rd Bomb. Group, I'll be overseas soon and I'll really enjo pit... 58lst Bomb. Sqdn, then. My mail will always follow mo." i us Army air Base, at Lots of good ‘luck to you, Bill, and your fine— : Kearney, Nebraska, = = crew, in. yous important mission. seh : Ens. Donald P. Ebling, 4 Weds I fans micte, several things have. oe 1610 East First St., happened. First, I’m no longer with the good Tucson, Arizona. ' >. (ship Pe----- » I was detached and ‘sont.to the | _. Commandant of the 12th District. Secondly, on October 6, I joined coe ranks of commissioned mene Thirdly, Tm “gotsg.: ‘to. the | Indoctrination School here at Tucson beginning the 15th of this month, _ “Bonce, as a minimum I have four months schooling ahead. . . . I haven't heard a word about K.U., but give my regards to Schanke ond--espocially to "ole Dean"...I--.- know four 1nds that think Dean tops - Hurp, Rope, Bruce and myself. Tid give. ' a million for a reunion of tho 1940 club if I could. ifouldn't it. be grand ae when this is over? Those master words of yours - Boys, mnko the best .of.. these. college days, they are some of the bost of your lives - ow true." i/s Otto O, Schnellbacher, Big Otto says: "T have been trying to. write you 72nd College Trng» Det. for the past weok but the officers here. ‘think Aircrow, Flight 25, that we need no time to correspond. ... Doo, St. Cloud, Heme " aeadeet - ~ , they have a physical training pregram up here that is a wow! Wo have 25 minutes of exoroises, thm four groups go to one of the four things (1) swimming, (2) individual, athletics, (3) group gamos, (4) tumbling and apparatus. .i man must go to cach of these assignments at least once a weok. Everything is endurance, Ihave had to run 3 miles agninst time. It was never finished - we ran -8 laps and a timo was up for P,T. so’ we wont to the showers. The coaches up here are always coming around and asking me about how you coach. I-am going to tell them ‘to buy your book, Better Baskotball. They are swell men, but their curiosity is sure ee them. « » I think’ marae, | we are going to Bet to — up here +e later on.” = vik + ss That further confirms the rumor that I Rasenk on in he last Rebownds' - that. there was a possibility for tho Army boys to indulge in competitive athletios with the consent of the urmy authorities, but it mey not — Sebehiedal’ | ti cicrh a