Lt. Clinton Kanoga, USMCR "I8m finally back to work. im instructing in Co. F, Inf. Batt. Tr. Center, the machine gun school at present. Paul Heinz, Camp Elliott, Phi Gam presi : 4 : : San Diego, Calif. here. Ho's a captain and a swoll guy -- he ~ spent nearly six months in the Solomons. Iran into Bernio Bierman out here and he was lavish in his praise of Evans - said he wes the best back he saw oll last scason and he saw some great ones," lst Lt. Harry G. (Gordon) Gray, Gordon writes: "I was mightyhappy to re- Post Physical Training Officer, coive the .ugust issue of Jayhawk Rebounds. Garden City urmy .‘ir Field, This is a great idea to let old cronies know Garden City, Konsas. of onch other's whereabouts, It was with much a interest that I read the letters from other boys» Ruth ond I are vory happy here at Garden City. You lmow, of courses,” that. we have a baby girl now. She was a year old tho 6th of October, We get*a Wig kick out of playing with her, . . . «aviation Cadet Bob Stoland was here for _ basic training and I got to talk with him quite, grhOtsun. BY the ways Bob, wos Ane. ageers of the outstanding cadets we have cover had here. [Je won the athletic award’ for his Gime. 7 aes 7 > Bose see t toe. fade. ee . : ot ea. Lt. John Cress, _ * John writes: "Everything here in arkansas’Seens 7ist AsrFTD, to be under control. My work here at the field Camdon, . rkansas. _ + keeps me rather busy but I still manage to- got in a little tumbling and gymnastics on my own. Also a few woeks ago I placed second in the Arkansas Ji.s.sU, diving (men's-High board). « « e Dorothy is teaching music and physical education in the Camden public schools and seoms to be doing very well. . . Little Betty is developing very rapidly - she had a birthday party the SOth of September." +7 ot sepa yewtotees eas ee, a abe RSet tee, =e ® c ; Willard J. Winey, Jr. Phm.2/s "In a special part of my mind I carry with me Hq. lst Bn. Seventh Marines, proverbs, axic risinin c/o Floet Postoffice, to living a better life. Most proudly therefore San Franoisoo, Calif. do I welcome yours - 'The fundamentals of living are like the fundamentals of golf or basketball, They are solid, and it is the dependable things that a fellow does that deter- mines whether he is successful in living.’ . » « The Jayhawk Rebounds has been read to the last enlightening sentence." . .. PLA ee or Lt. Je We "Bill" Greene, "Your Rebounder is the only contact I have with Goodfellow Ficld, | the school and the men I knew, and you can San sngelo, Texas. _ dmagino tho pleasure it affords all of us who _ ; ‘Gn have known you and the University, Of course, those who are serving in the battle lines cherish their copies even more than , we in this country do, but all the same I want-you to know that I wouldn't want to miss my issue. .. ‘I have been here at the San angelo .rmy sjiir Field since early in September, and enjoy the work here very much, ify particular 05 this time is as instructor in ground school, teaching weather to the cadets. « e« I was mighty glad to get’ the word that T. P. was o.k. and still in there pitch- ing. He was a great guy, and the news is heartoning." ee Nee Wayne Fe Replogle, Co Coes: "Thanks for your fine letter, I watch events at Navy V-12 Unit, K.U. as closely as I can for I have, always, _ Wabash College, : since 1919 (basketball tourney at K.U. gym) had Crawfordsville, Indiana, on amazing love for the University. I guess I'd be thorcughly happy if I could devote the remain- der of my life to efforts on that campuse « « e e