10. been on thirty-five ae missions - over Rome, Sioily, etc. Pfc. Ray Evans, Ray stopped by for a wisit with us on October 13. Physical Instructor, I might surmise that Ray came to visit someone Scott Field, Ill, fae ae else, but he was kind and thoughtful enough to stop by and say hello to us and we enjoyed his - visit immensely. Ray tells an interesting yarn ‘which is. good enough to pass on, While’attending N.C.0. School in Miami, in July, Ray, Ralph Miller, © Patterson from Wiscon (Ray says he is o replica of our own Charlie Block), .. Routh from Purdue, and George Light of the old Phillips,tenm, played an eastern outfit a game of basketball on on outdoor court. Most of the eastern men were from Long Island University ond New York University. They played in a Northe - South-East+West league; Ray's outfit fast-broke them to deaths The east had no defense for the fast break, and the Evans-Miller cémbination ran the cast- erners in the ground and to a humiliating defeat. Ray said he never had_os. much fun in nig fe = he moans while he was in the army t. os dates? i peeng ei yt oe Satie et ARS, seers Cpl. Virgil Ls “80, Virgil writes that he has sail moving ose 3662nd Se Us to place so much lately that it has been diffi- 210 East John, cult to get settled down. Since being in the ‘Champaign, Illinois. _ army he has been locatod in six different places. Virg says: "I have received two copies of. your Jayhawk Rebounds and enjoyed them very much, They seem to take me right out of Army life and put me back at K.U, and those good old college. days, It was plso_ — nice to learn of the whereabouts of several of adda of whom I knew, nothing up to this time." 3 : ihe Cie Lt. (jg) We C. "Bill" Johnson, Bill — "Just o vies, te tell you how much’ Naval sir Station, I have enjoyed your Jayhawk Rebounds and to hear Jacksonville, Fla. indirectly from some of my old Jayhawker friends. You can't imagine how much satisfaction I got out of showing this issue to several Univ. of Mo. grads who were in my class at Babson and re-hashing some of the former fricndly arguments. that was always an enjoyable part of the keen rivalry between these two great schools. Of course now we have all been reolassified under one great big head ‘Fighting America’, and they paid tribute, as do I and everyone who sees this paper, to the great purpose for which the 'J.R,' is written and ciroulated." lst Lt, Kermeth C, Johnson, Kenny is in England, and on receipt of a copy of. Operations & Flight Officer, our September Jayhawk Rebounds he writes, 35th Air Depot Group, "Appreciate it in that I have followed your teams APO 635, s/o P.M. . from-the time I was in school thirteen years ago New York City, N.Y. - and know most of the boys mentioned in it. Keep ‘em cominge Lots of luck in your ee build men for the big job ahead." . ee eee ey Mr aroh P, Naramore, of Wichita, Kansas, a« KU. Booty of 1909, writes to ask that we neuS the Jayhawk Rebounds to his son, whose. address is: Lt. John P, Naramore, | ; 1698 Ord. Co. Avn MM (Q), llth. ‘ir Depot Group; ode be. 12th uiir Foroe, , ARO 528, cfs. P. M. Sepia ceatigmaieetioeam + ee ~——nponegeits © eo 5?” etre “9 ; roe 7. =e New York City, N.Y. Mr. Naramore states that John went to England in September, 1942, ond in