t_ ‘ ll. December was moved into .\frico, where he was last heard from early in October. Vie are delighted to do-this, and will nover forget John's outstanding perform- ende in "The Drunkard", where the K men put on a wow-producing show. John was one of the bright naignte. Eddie Cantor didn't have o thing on John when Pe came to rolling those orbits. i =< a ~~" be, OE ehaerPavie, 825" We" are also “putting Lene Davis on the ais 2048 Fairview .ve., list. Pardon me, Lane, for overlooking you in Mt. Penn, get .the past Rebounders. We have always enjoyed _ Reading Pa. your koen interest in athlotics and in many — worthwhile things that you inoulged in on the _ campus. You had a broad gauge view of the vorsotile students' worth oni Mte Oread. I'frenkly belicve that you had as much to do with tT. Pe Hunter's fine — ee —= — more, on Seg one heros re eA Bite b/c es By: xiesell;. = ya ome RE fae been stationed here in albuquorque- Naval aviation V-5, -four woeks now and I like everything, eepooially — University of New Mexico, the flyinge ». » - Our coash here has organized a. eee, ae ie basketball team and we will play several” “gones — “before we have to leave, There are 10: boys: on... our squad and a two of us have had any experionce." Max's dad, Mr.. Joe. Kissell, at Portis, Kansas, is chairman of tho 32nd District Konsas United jar Fund, and also a member of the Resolutions Committee of —_ National Rec lema~ tion pee neers I have ons pacedoas a copy of the Brnsdl ee Daily Times, showing Wayne Noes's father, slonzo Be Nees, of Brazil, Indiana, receiving the Arny' 8 Silver Star for his son, 2nd Lt. Charles Weyne Noes, who-was killed by. the Japanese while attompting to rescue his platoon sergeant. The modal wag. presented by Col. Henry E. Tisdale, now commanding Fort Benjamin Harrison. Mr. Noes was escorted to the stand by Capt. Robert Patterson. The citation was read by Capt. C. EB, Lyon. After the ceremony Hr. and ltrs, Neos and their four remaining sons he creer the — of the ‘ir Corps Provisional Training Battalion. . oc "Take up our fight with the foe | a To you - from.failing hands we, throw ‘the torch" - - - ot own --To.Bhow you-that--eur -citisens~on—the -home-front are ‘peeping faith, the University of Kansas personnel did the greatest job of giving they have ever done. The faculty, employees, students, officers of the Army and Navy of this community gave a total of $5,356.59 to the National Var Fund and Community Chest drive here in Lawrence. Our total combined quota for Lawrence and Douglas County was but ,29,617. As chairman of the drive for the University I deeply appreciate the loyal and even enthusiastic giving cf these fine pesple who are backing our boys up in a most loyal ways "And to you cnceonlbecnieus. basketball champions of the Big Six for 1943, I have good news. Mr. Julius Marks called me and states that the basketballs have finally arrived. We are sending these to the mothers, wives and sweethearts of the boys as directed some months ago by these champions. trust that when you boys get out of the service that you may proudly exhibit them as a symbol of a team that started with some disunity but finished gloriously under very, very difficult handicaps. It is the rocky road that you negotiate viotoriously that causes many happy recollections of victoricus struggle. 4 I