me 26 October 164 Kansas 13 = Washburn 6. Washburn gained only 7 yards from scrimmage against K,U, in the final contest of the year between these two schools. Bergin's punting shewed considerable improvement in this game. The first touchdown by Kansas was scored by Bob Carson, freshman from McPherson, and the second by Bob Hiller, a V-12 boy from Oakland, Calif, Kansas was dee finitely superior in all departments of the game and might have had a larger score had it not been for some long gains being nullified by penalties, Kansas used the single wing-back formation and a fow plays from double wing. Wayne | Hird, Lawrence i?-year-old, started his first game at~center,--Clifford-Nadte~-— — ~~ (145 1b.) from Wichita, at guard, Frank Gruden, left guard, Penny, left tackle, Miller, Ed. (V-5), right tackle, George Dick, right ond, ‘Warren Riogle, left | end, John Bergin, right half, Lynn Viilliams, left half, Bob Carson, fullback, and LeRoy Robison, blocking back, ~~~ e Nee oF - a ee aa October 233 Nebraska 7 - Kansos 6. Kansas hed hi - of feating_ Nebraska forthe firettime—sinte 1916 S year. Soven civilians,. one V-6, and three V-12 boys started for Kansas, Nebraskate touchdown came on a 60-yard punt roturn after 7. minutes of play had clapsed, Kansas came back at the start of the second quarter with a 70-yard touchdown drive featuring _ a double lateral, Carson to Stucker to Moffett to Bergin, food for 36 yards. On fourth down Kansas had ball on Nebraska's 16, but a scroen pass, Moffett. — to Carson, carricd the ball to N.U.'s 6 from which Moffett carried the ball” across on fourth down. Chestnut, trying to drop kick extra point, had most of Nebraska's team in on him before he could get kick away. Pee - x ss. & Steady downpour of rain fell all during the game. In leat four minutes Kansas stayed a drive from own 30 to Nebraska's 25 where a Nebraska... back intercepted a pass on his own five-yard line. Had the ball been 2 feet. higher it might have been a touchdown for K.U. | Ae @ tere It will be anothor year before Kansas will have another chances The Kansas beys played woll ond fought but had two lapses which cost the ball gamés Moffett, Bergin and Hird looked gcod for Kansas, Penny received a knee injury which may keep him out ef football the rest of the scason, 7. eae: 2s ASH $22 October 30: KANSAS 25 = KANSAS STATE 2. apes : Congratulations to Coachos Henry Shenk and Elmer Schanke, and Trainer Dean Nesmith} - | ek were Kansas took epening kick-off and Carson returned ball to the. 50-yard -- almost got away for touchdown, With Joo Dickey, Bob George and. Bob Carson (all freshmen) carrying the ball, the Jayhawkers crossed into pay dirt on | 11 plays, the touchdown_coming ona seseon-pass—be—tio—ivPt- De ULESSR gcing “over for the score, Bill Chestnut drop-kicked extra pointe K-State came back with a strong passing attack, Batten, L-State passor, doing a fine job in. locating his reccivers, However, Kansas lino kopt the Aggie running attack. . bottled up all day ond wore able to stop the passes when the Aggies throatened. Another Kansas touchdown came as a result of Aggic fumble on their own 16-yard line and Carson plunged across for score. Chestnut's dropkick failed. we ae In the: fourth period an entire new tean wont into tho game for K.U. Carricd ball down to k-State's fifteen, whoro Charlie Moffett heaved. one to "Sandy" Banks, V-5 boy from California, who was standing wide open in the. _ end zene. The last touchdewn came in last minute of the game whon Bob Goorge threw a pass to LeRoy Robisen, freshman blocking baok from Lawrence, who scored