-Ze University in Municipal Audit orium in Kansas City. The rest of our schedule is as we have told you: Jane 5, Pittsburg Stato Teachers at Lawrences; Jan. 8, Missouri at Columbia; Jan. 11, Olathe Naval air Bose at Olathe; Jan. 15, Nebraska at Lawr= ence; Jan. 18, Kansas State at Lawrence; Jan. 21, Oklahoma at Lawrence; Jan, .29, Towa State at Ames; F=>, i, Washburn at Lawrence; Feb. 7, Fte Risoy Cals ?.0, at Ft. Riley; Feb. 12, :liahoma at Norman; Feb. 15, Ft. Leavenworth at Leavenworth; Feb. 18, Nebraska at wineoln; Feb. 23, Kansas State at Manhattan; Feb. 26, Missouri at Lawrence; and Mar, 3, Iowa State at Lawrence, es ce mo KK ow My purpose in sending this Christmas greeting to you boys is to ineorpor- ate the names and addresses of as many boys who send in Christmas cards and ether — greetings as possiblé, so that you in.turn will know:thetr~adtrosses-and be able © “to conmunicate with them if you so desire, We received many letters and poste cards and we want to assure each one of the boys that has written to us that we are vitally interested in their welfare. We are staying here at this station with the full realization that about tho only thing we can do is to serve as o commun- ication center and.totinform each and everyone of'- you that we are waiting for the grand time when you will all be back with us and we can have one of those old-time get-togethers that none of us will ever forget. Wherever you are - remember ‘that we are pulling for you strong and hoping that you will be the lucky one. a We don't oxpect you to write us. We want to write you, however, because there are so many othor demands on your time that we will fully understand why we do not hear from you. So, with that in mind, I will start on this long list that I have before me in the hope that some of theso names will prove alluring to you end awaken an old correspondence or renew an acquaintanceship begun here on old Mt. Oread, a a rdw me As a starter, an informative source states that Ca;-t. Fen Durand, our basketball and track luminary of 1937, *38 ond.'39, was-in ti:: Tarawa battle, but we learn he drew o lucky number as he was not on the list of casualties. ie are hoping that he still carries that lucky. horseshoo, We are anxiously awaiting word and wondering about our: good old "Hambone", T, Py Hunter, and Major Bill Jones. No telling howmany othor of our Jayhawkers are in that fuss, but we are hoping that the old Jayhaowker luck will still continuc.:: Christmas greeting cards como from ovorseas from: Pvt. Wilson R; "Bob" Fitzpatrick, "Somewhere in Britain". Hdq. E.B.S., APO 517, | o/o-P.M., Now York city, WeY._ ew Sent ames! mip eet Pfc, .irmand L, Dixon,: - Aloha". aPO'954, C-15, of ona td c/o Pill, San Francisco, Calif, ¢ Warren 3. «anderson, ° "ym still doing my uittle bit - only mage, Vi Corps, CIC. Sou... . now it is Italy.* .° APC 3C6; ee y : c/o P.M., New York, N.Y.