+ BATTS ate NE "Dec. 30. Sparky McSpadden used the bowling alley grip on stepping go. Joseph's senesky colds Ask Sparky, to show you how he did it. Black, Dixon, ““* © Buescher and Schnellbacher really played a wonderful game against Ste Joseph's. and. the. resulta -provo.its.o.« ee: Regt gs "Jan. 1. We beat Ste Leuis tenight 60-25 and that was cur Jast gnme on, the rcads -we won all games on this trip and it is due to tho splendia pAsy ing. of Biack, Buescher, Dixon and Schnellbacher. The boys gave everything they 1A and rought like nur .*merican soldiers, sailors and marines are doing today vege at Guadalcanal, Wake Island, Ncrth ‘frica and cther fighting fronts, The boys: had a wonderful spirit and I know they are going to carry it on throughout the: season." Re How ee were ia s a ty at that time betnuse the" boys exer lost a conference game. If yoy ask me for cne. of the potent reasons of the Jay hewker basketball team!s success it was the ever-roady cooperation and good" Ww: unflinching csurage and aluost indescribable shea, oe eae quality that ae Evans injected into Pets the:gamos. ...o ¢:° ‘ a5". ee Be ae 8 ss : s he aks ee * ie ‘ as ed eee. a9 Fa ie a a al cea Christmas ote a to. ccme eens ‘all parts of the. countrye Lieut. John a. Pfitsch, : from "Pflugerville", Texas, one of sur own boys here at | Kansas, was a real Santa Ciaus..when he shipped to us at 801 Louisiana street a full bushel basket of these choicest Texas .grapefruit, sranges and nectarines, © Bothy Ailen is home from the University cf Pennsylvania on oa Chrjstmas leave, — and Milton Allen and: his family all came-over to help Mrs, Allengend the rest of us thoroughly onjoy this wonderful Texas nectar. _Thanks a million, Johnny, and we.are still cbnfident that you will do as fine a job at the front as you have done here at the University. Pvt. Mano WW, Stukey,: Ce. , 87th Inf. Trng. Bn. 3rd Platcon, Camp Roberts, Calif-rnia, writes: "I -have been. placed in the Intelligonce branzh . . «. Most of the men in this. branch of the service are really swell'fellcws. Lets :f them are :oaches - Stair. from Jopiin, Mo. H. . another coach in Iren Tpagtte. ne from Minneapelis. aside from them we have a. few lawyers, teachars and i thass with leadership ability. .. . We are all hoping this thing wonft last tco long and that we will all be back. home again to. cprry,.on where wo left -tf." Good luck to you, Mano. are We are dclazhtea « to ee dos ue, and tg cieaal Cannady, HER 203rd_ ALFTTD, Middle River, Baltimore, Md.; from Fnsign. Eddie R. Linquist,.U.T.3-. Ren. 30, New Orleans, Lav; from sive Cadet Re F, (Dick) Miller, Class The Av. Cadet Regt., USNaTC, Cerpus Christi, Texas; from A/C Narold E, Wright, Ciass 445, Flt. 8. Srd aatFID, King City, Calif.g ©. Sp. Wilfred "Prenchie" Belgard, of Chas bake town, Md.; Lt. (jg) Jim A. Bausch, USNRB, Shoemaker, Calif.; and Lane Davie, 7th C.T.D., Reuding, Pas - : ss Mrs. Aller and I have received greetings from lr. and Mrs, Ediie Hall, -Co Sp.,.12 Reg., 15 Batt., USNTS, Great Lakes, I11.; Ensign and krs, Murray Brewn, USNPF Sshool, Lel Monte, Calif.; Lieut. and lIirs. John Cress, 71st #AFFTD, Camden, Arky; Li. (3g) W. A. “Teny* Coffin, USS Trinity, c/o Fleet Pcst:ffice, Sar. Fran cisco, Calif. - Tony was a-Phys.s id. major and fcermer coach at Haskell; Otto and Mrs, Rost, 6200 Oleatha, St. Leuis 9, Ho. - Otto was captain «:f our fine football team back in 1932; Ensign and lirs. Howard Mngleman, USS England, . c/o eo ‘ s ‘