JAYHAWK REBOUNDS April, 1943 Ne. l Dear Friends and Cemrades ef the Service: Captain Paul Re. Harringten, 0-440786, i 77th Evac. Hespital, A.P.0. 508, New Yerk City, N. Y. I feel mere than apelegetic. Every day and every week I promised my- self I weuld write te the Orthepedie Surgeen fer the 77th Evacuation Hespi- tal ef the U. S. Army, meaning the University ef Kansas Unit te many of yeur friends. But with each passing week er menth my guilt became more apparent when I did nothing abeut it. When these letters from other friends and athletes ef the University piled up I theught ef this scheme - ef including a paragraph te each one of the beys, and send a collective letter. In this way each of you will learn a little abeut the ether fellew and it may be the means of giving addresses se that you may cemmunicate with seme ef yeur eld teammates and friends. Beb Allen is beginning his junier year in medicine at the University ef Pennsylvania. Eleaner is graduating in June at Penn with a psych major, and she is expecting te be married in Lawrence, Kansas, te a Wharten Scheel graduate in September. Jane is the wife ef an ensign naval flier, Elweed R. Mens. Her husband, "Heet", get his wings at Pensacela and is now instructing in a scheol in Chicagee Mrs. Allen is in geod health and is as energetic as ever, keeping the heme fires burning. Mary (Mrs. Lee P. Hamilten) resides in Pale Alte, Califernia, with her husband and three large, instead ef small, children. They are se grewn up. Milten is assistant te the chief investi- gater ef the Hercules Pewder Cempany at DeSete. He and Isabel Perry Allen and five-year-eld Judy live at 2022 Verment Street. Mit sat en eur Kansas basketball bench during all ef eur heme games, and he and Dean Nesmith, eur trainer, fermed a fermidable protest cemmittee against the referees. Captain F. A. "Fen" Durand, Ce. C, 2nd Amph. Tr. Bne, 2nd Marine Divisien, c/o Fleet Pest Office, San Francisce, Califernia. A valued member ef eur great teams ef the '40's. The memory ef you and yeur doings on Mt. Oread are imperishable. And what yeu are deing and have been deing rebs us ef a vecabulary te express eur deep admiration fer youe And in this cennection, may we add a paragraph toe Clint Kanaga, 2nd Lt. Clinten Kanaga Ce. D, lst Battalion, 6th Marines, c/o Fleet Pest Office San Francisco, Calif.