I expect to write you a monthly letter, if possible, giving you the names and addresses of the boys, and incidents concerning all the boys in the service who have been connected with Kansas and her varsity athletics. Of course I will miss some, but I do not want any of you boys to feel slighted because it is so difficult to do a job that belongs to the Alumni Secretary. But this is a peculiar pleasure of mine and that I am indulging in to say hello to each and every one of you and wish iia Godspeed and an early return. The Athletic Office apparently will be closed for the duration. Mr. Falkenstein, the financial secretary, will go to Mr. Klooz office to work for the duration. Mrs. Webster will doubtless do some work on the hill. Mrs. Hulteen will remain in our office, and we will endeavor to carry on the best way possible. We do not know whether we will have football next fall or not, but the administration is planning on it. Regarding basketball, we will have to wait until the trial horse, football, has its show. We will treat it in the expectant manner. Practically all of our boys are in the service, so teams will of necessity be made up from the younger group, practically all freshmen. From the beginning of the big league baseball it looks as if holiday and Sunday games will be the only ones that will attract a crows, Even our home folks are thinking about the grim and serious business of war, and it looks as if all of the home folks are enlisting in this thing wholeheartedly. With all good and genuine wishes to you, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.