ever now with all those new trappings. Capt. E. B. DeGroot, Captain DeGroot visited here May 21 Hq. 4th Air Force, and 22, and was in our home over- 180 New Montgomery St., night. We are hoping the same good San Francisco, Calif. luck will come to Capt. DeGroot as has come to Major Elbel. Paul Turner dropped in the office just before leaving for Oberlin College where he will be quartered July 1. He tells me that Ensign Knute Kresie is now Navigation Officer and captain of his squadron. Knute promised to send us a card giving his address, and when and if he does send it we will send Knute one of these letters. Wayne “Bill” Replogle, C. Sp., writes us from Wabash College, Crawfords- ville, Indiana, where he is doing a swell job. We are always delighted to hear from happy, aggressive and éfficient Chief Bill. Lieut. William G. Wade, Congratulations, Bill, on your winning Air Corps, Class 43-F, your wings! Bven though you could not Stockton Field, stay after your freshman year, your Stockton, Calif. accomplishments are splendid. Keep ‘em flying, Bill, and drop plenty of hate on the squareheads, spaghetti-benders and slit-eyes. Thank you for sending me the tear sheet from the Los Angeles Examiner, the sports colum “To The Point" by Al Santoro. I enjoyed it, I assure you. S/Sgt. Armand L. Dixon, Armand Dixon writes, "I am up for Battery D, l03rd C.A. Tr. Bn., overseas shipment, so I get a five day Camp McQuaide, Calif. furlough starting the 19th of June. . Yesterday we took a 20 mile hike in four hours. I guess we'll get plenty of hiking when I go to 0.C.S. in the infantry." | . Ralph H. Miller, ~ Ralph "Cappy" “iller states, "Ray N.C.0.P.T.T.S., Evans and I hope to be at Scott Field. Barracks 5, B.T.C. 4, I think the air corps does a very Miami Beach, Florida. good job with physical training, con- sidering the great numbers and lack of facilities they have had to work with. . . They have some mighty fine fellows down here in school. I ran into John Kline and Spike Robertson here in Miami. John had just gotten in from Cuba after 10 months at sea. They are both here in sub-chaser school. . . It is amazing how you run into K.U. people everywhere you go." C. Sp. Don Ebling, Don writes that he left San Pedro on U.S.S. Farragut, April 7th and has been at sea since c/o Fleét Postmaster, that time. Don completed gunnery and San Francisco, Calif. navigation school. Don, I got a letter from your lovely wife asking for a small favor, and how quickly and happily wéagranted it. A/c Charles W. Elliott, Chuck, we got your letter about the New Group 17N, Sqd. D, Barr. 758 York travel diaries. Weren't you A.A.F.P.S. (Nav.) supposed to collect them? The letters Bhlington Field, Texas that we have on file here are those of ; John Buescher, Don Blair, Bill Forsyth, Ray Evans and Max Kissell. 12