Pvt. Wm. W. Brill, Bill, I am gladthat you got through the Co. D, 10th. Bn., IRTC, general's inspection o.k. Bill states Ft. McClellan, Alabama. that he is to be transferred to the air | corps after the completion of his basic training. He says, "y hope I will be as well pleased with that part of the Army as I am with this present training." I am happy that’you are happy, Bill. A/S John F. Short, You wrote a swell letter, Johnny, and I 72nd Colg. Trng. Det.(Aircrew), am indeed pleased at the morale you have. St. Cloud, Minn. - Johnny writes, “This Army life is fine and I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I'm coming back to school after its all over." Johnny, we will be tickled to death to have you and I know you are going to make your mark both in the wervice you are in and when you get back to college. Bill Forsyth writes from Medicine Lodge, Kansas, before his call, that he expects to come back to K.U. and that he is thankful he won't be a green sophomore any longer. Bill says that he thinks this fellow, Otto Schnell- bacher, is a swell kid. Isn't that strange, Otto? But I know two other guys who think the same thing. A/c Max Kissell, Congratulations, Max, on making the best Room 127, Bat. 3, | . time on the obstacle race. We will naver Merner Hall, forget how you came through in the Missouri U.S. Naval Flight School, and Kansas Aggie games last winter. Mt. Vernon, Iowa. You were a real competitor. Pvt. Don Blair, Your letter regarding the disposition Co. B, 10th Bn., of the blanket and gold basketball has Ft. McClellan, Alabama. been received, Don. Mr. Falkenstien states that they are not ordering blankets now because they are next to impossible to get, but we will send the basketball to your mother, and upon your return you will get your blanket. Maybe that is just as well, under the war pressure. To you boys who write to Don, note the change of address since the last Rebound letter. Ensign Howard G. Engleman, USNR Paul Turner told us he saw Howard Local Defense, Engleman at theccountry club in Salina Treasure Island, recently. "Rope" was visiting his | San Francisco, California. wife and her folks in Salina. “Rope", Dean's young son, Leslie, has grown strong enough that he can now make it to the check and supply room-and get his own shoes. You won't have to send him any Indian moccasins be- cause he can get them under his own power. And by the way, "Rope", can you balance twelve indoor baseballs on the jam of the towel room door? I'll give you 35g an hour if you can do it! Lt. (jg) John L. Burge, Johnny, I find that I have failed to V.P. 15, answer your good letter of April 26, c/o Fleet Postoffice, - but I will get around to it soon. Sen Francisco, California. Johnny writes, "I've been giving so many rubdowns and checking so many sacro-iliacs, the fellows in my outfit, Patrol Squadron Thirteen, really appreciate your course in Theory and Practice of Athletic Training. When I entered this aviation game I thought I wouldn't have mich use for my physical education tfaining. I was very much mistaken for it has been Se