July 22, 194%. My, Wy We Puller, Fuller Grain Company, Board of Trade Building, Kansas City, Mos near Mire Pullers , Glad to know you enjoyed the Jayhawk Don't worry about the postage. Tt is small in comparison te the good we hope to do by send~ ing these letters to the boys. And of course since you are one of ow thirty-third decree basketball fans we will send you one each tine. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. L.A: FULLER, PRES. W. W. FULLER, SEc.-TREAS. FULLER GRAIN COMPANY “INCORPORATED GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. KANSAS CITY, MO. Dr, Fy. Gs At Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen Wish to thank you very much for your second edition to the : boys in the service which was most interesting. In fact, Mrs, Fuller Shovers it was even better than the first editione JI wouldn't go so far as to say it could be any better, but it is indeed an excellent idea and my frugal daughter Ada Lee asked if you paid personally for all of this postage. I laughed and said I didn't know, but it gave me bage idea that if you are paying for it, will you accept my check for one or two rounds at least Nor rome K § th best regards and again thanking you, I am ‘2 WL Yours very truly, WWE: jw Ricnarp B. Stevens, 2 e President 1123 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kansas . ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLISHER OF THE GRADUATE MAGAZINE HeabouarTERS—RooM 2 Frank Stronc Hatt LAWRENCE, KANSAS July 20, 19)3 Dre Phog Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: Your June 193 JAYHAWKER REBOUNDS is another truly valuable piece of contact work for the boys in service. Having been through the deal myself and having talked to scores of the boys in the present round, I know that a personalized letter like this not only satisfies a con- stant hunger that they have and thereby keeps up their morale, but it also ties them in more closely with the University than can ever be done when they are in civ- ilien life after leaving the campus. With best regards and good wishes, I an, Cordially you FE: jr cretary DIRECTORS Joanna GLEED Wacstarr, fa’21, 1730 Indiana, Lawrence CrarENcE L. Burt, e’og, Hutchinson Batrour S. JeFFRey, ’28, Topeka W. T. Grant, fs’05, Business Men’s Assurance Co., Kansas City, Mo. Harranp B. Hurcuncs, !’16, 1207 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. Oscar S. StaurrFeEr, fs’12, Topeka State Journal, Topeka Huco T. WEDELL, ’15, I’20, Supreme Court, Topeka Bertua Lucxan McCoy, ’og, Emporia Ray S. Pierson, |’23, Burlington Crarence McGurrz, ’29, 922 Oak, Kansas City, Mo. Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50 Se TN RRR Eh a Eh a ir i i es Sa ee i ag eS ee Ag July 22, 1943. Lieut. John A. Pfitsch, 445 A.A.A. Aw. Bn. D. Battery, AeP.0. 489 = c/o P2Me, Los Angeles, California. Dear Johnny: ) Murray Brown wrote us from Del Monte, California, ani gave us your address. fe had been _ trying to locate you so thet we could send you this issue of the Jayhawk Rebounds. Hope everything is going well with you. With kindest regards, I an Sincerely yours, alg oe Direstor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. NC 125-5 U.S. NAVY PRE-FLIGHT SCHOOL DEL MONTE, CALIFORNIA July 17, 1943 Dear Dr. Allen; You make me feel like a real “Jay-hawk" when I see my neme in print in your letters. I really appreciate it "Doc®, There are a lot of Kansans out here now, so I'm not outnumbered anymore. I see several K.Ue. boys whose faces are very familiar to me. Incidentally, John Pfitsch is on manuevers in the desert in Southern California. His address is: Lieut. JOhn Pfitsch, 01047728 448 A.A.A. Aw Bn. D. Battery AeP.O-. 439, Los Angeles, Calif. % Postmaster, U.S. Army. Will write more next time. Sincerely, MTSU o_o . a A | Mmueea WAY OOF THE cphyrs (Srt- Pvt. Robert E. Allen 5904 Spruce St., Philadelphia (4), Pa. Trooper Lee Hamilton, Jr., Troop A, Cavalry, Culver Military Acadeny, Culver, Indiana. 1031 GRAND AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. — PHONE VICTOR 6710 SOE ara ae ae OF T ; E pli Additional names for Jayhawk Rebound =~ “ Dr. and Mrs. Peete W.W. Davis Vv Maurice Breidenthal Bob Allen “Tom Van Cleave ae Mary Hamilton Lacy Haynes, Sr. Mrs. Don Ebling JA lirs. Durand (Fen's mother) 7a) ——— th tdonn 62 inn Ace FE J Bor Bo Pw 7, a Live ‘John Aviadrows Wi & hoary Ok c. MA, 1031 GRAND AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. — PHONE VICTOR 6710 However’, 5 Gin eieik pels te She Old tee 7 of you when we think of Jayhawkers. You are the Big Jayhawk! I trust that there is some part in this thing thet will be interesting to you and Mrs. Davis. My kindest to lane you write him. You might send it to him, if you desire. from if I had his address I would mail him one here. I be~- Lane will find it interesting reading about som of his old buddies. T. P. Hrter is right up there in the push against the Japs at the present. So is Yen Durand ami others. July 15, 1943. Dear Mary: T am sending you one of the Jayhawk Rebounds which I trust will be interesting reading in the llemilton household. i am also sending one to Trooper Lee Hamilton, Jr., at Military Academy. I imagine he will get a buse out of it. I keep close to the Memilten household through the letters that you and Mother write each other. This is just @ note. We are promising a letter some time later. With love to all, Direstor of Physioal Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Mre. Lee Pe Hanilton, 860 Center Street, Palo Alto, California. Trooper Lee Pe Hamilton, Jr, Troop A, Cavalry, Culver Military Academy, Culver, Indiana. Dear Lee: iki, ane ie ee eis Medel iste Sa ie pene inque that we are geéting out for the boys. allay crc Wa these words may find some interest in the you and Mrs. Nees. deep understanding, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. July 9, 1943. oe fr Mr. Bob Malott, 1532 Lilac Lane, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Bob: I am sending you the second issue of Jayhawk Rebounds. There are some fngles here that possibly would interest yous After youtave Cinished with 3% you might pass it on to your dad for his hasty perusal. Sincerely y ours, Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ‘May 3, 1943. Misa Ruth Kenney, Bureau of Correspondence Study, University of Kensas. Dear Miss Kenney: As one of our consistent basketball fans, I thought you might like to peruse this mimeographed letter and learn something of the location and activities of our Kensas athletes. ‘Take this home, put on your house slippers and sit in thas very easy and —- chair, and struggle along with it. With all good wishes, I an . Sincerely yours, _ Direotor of Physical Education, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. May 3, 1943. Dean D. Me . School of Pins Arts. Dear Old Thirty-second Decree Pan: I know how busy you are with Music week, but lay this aside for a week and after you recuperated from your strenuosity I thought you might want to see where some of the boys are located and what their activities aro. | Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Niehols, 1617 Alabama Street, Lawrenee, Kenses. — Dear Basketball Pans: I thought you basketball fans might like to look over this mimeographed letter and read of some of _ ‘the locations and activities of our Kansas athletes. It may be a little diffioult to ‘read on escount of the poor inking, but I hope you cen struggle along with it. Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Dean and Mrs. Paul B. Lawson, 2215 Vermont Strest, ' Lawrenos, Kansas. To Ye Red tlot Basketball Fans: T thought that you two “round-ball” enthusiasts might went to peruse this list of boys and read of some of their locations and activities. It may be a little difficult to read due to poor inking, but you may struggle along with it, Thope. | : Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. May 3, 1943. Dr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Peete, 4140 Cambridge, Kansae City, Kansas. To the Peetes and the Re-Pestes: - Thies is just a long mimsographed letter that might give you the addresses and some of the activities of the boys in the service who have done outstanding work for their dear old alma mamyy. I trust it will be interesting With all good wishes, I an _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Mducation, FCA :AH Varaity Basketball Coach. May 3, 1943. You travel almost as much as P. D., but I don't know what you would do with a coal strike on your hands. However, I @ sure that you would get the job done. And too, TI do something about in 21 minutes. It is 9:59 Saturday morning when I em dictating this, and I am betting three to one that John Lewis will get whipped. —— i ey e i: a $ know that we are still trying to keep in touch with them and give ee time on Wt. Oread. With all good wishes to you and your good family, I am _ Very sincerely yours, . Direstor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. Tom Van Cleave, 604 Commerce Bldg., | : Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Tomnay: y = Don't take time to read all of see that we are still trying to keep in touch with our Kansas athletes, wherever they are. p endeavor to answer all their letters, I struck upon this plan in getting not only the information regarding athletics but I will | also be able te give the different athletes the address of the other fellow. ‘ie will also mention their activities, which will be a point of interest to the boys in the service. I am also sending a letter to Tom, Jr., as I know how mui and the boys from Kansas City, SenBas Suse day Z an going to vey Sn Gl bey you cond Miwon Breidenthal a luncheon if I ean catch you two fellows together. I have been pretty closely tied down here with our compulsory — program, but it is a funny fellow that ee now and then. With the Allen’s kindest regards to the Van Cleaves, I am _ Dédvector of Physical Bducation, FCGA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. Lacy Haynes, Kansas City Star Kensas City, Keneas. Dear Lasy: Don*t read all this dope, but I wanted you to see what we are doing for our Kansas athletes in the service. Many of boys write us letters, and not being able to reply to all we get out a mimeographed letter with the addresses of each boy so that the other fellows can keep in touch with those they have for the moment lost contact with. | . _ i have sent ono to the "Aduiral” at the George Washington Inn. I thought he would like to keep up with his old pale of former years. _ Some time at the first opportumity I m going to drop and have a visit with you. And you know I premised you that I look after that post-flu difficulty of yours. I was going te write you a special letter to thank you your extreme kindness in taking care of Eleanor’s announcement. Mrs. Allen end I deeply appreciate the same and I apologize for being tardy because it wae a wonderful service that you did for us. You know these women just have to take care of those details when it comes to a wedding. And how you did it! You have been mighty friendly to the Allen family and we greatly appreciate it. \ I was glad to see by Saturda; morning's paper that William Allen White and the Mrs. were able to leave the hospital. : Give Men. Haynen soul Macy dune cur winment regards. | Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Mey 3, 1943. Enaign F. EB, Harwi, Jr., Commander Service Force, Southwest Pacific Forse, c/o Flest Postoffice, — San Francisco, California. Dear Prank: I went you to know that I consider you the Number One Basketball Pan of Kansas. You have always been tremendously interested in the Jayhawkers, and you backed up your interest by attendance. And when you cannot attend, by inquiries. I trust this letter will give you full informa- tion on the ups and downs of the Jayhawkers. Most of the friends of the Kansas team feel that if they could have stayed together we might have gone far in tournament play. Wishing you continued success and best wishes from us over here, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, — Varsity Basketball Coach. April 29, 1943. Mre Harry Morrow, Lawrence Journal World, Dear Harry: | I thought you-might be interested in this letter we are getting out to some‘of our boys who are in the service. We hope to make this a monthly ietter to ist the boys know something of the aativities of their friends. : ' Director of Physical Education, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 29, 1943. Mr. GC. Ee. MoBride, Sports Editor, Kensas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mac: I thought you might like to see a sopy of the GOL letter we are sending to some of our boys in the service. We hope to make this a monthly affair, giving the boys news of the their friends. | 7 Cordially yours, . Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 29, 1943. My. VW, W. Muller, Fuller Grain Co., | RPoard frede Building, Kansas ity s Moe Dear Mr. Fuller: Cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coache Pvt. Lewis G. Musick, 17082945, Co, H, let C.W.8., THe. Ber., Camp Sibert, Alabama. Pvt. Eugene R. Sherwood, 17082944, 78th Inf. Tng. Bn., Co. B, 4th Plat., Camp Roberts, Calif. Pvt. Don BE, Blair, Co. B, 21st Bae; Fort McClellan, Alabama Pvt. Bill Brill - same as for Don Blair Pvt. Vergil E. Long, Co. D, 78th Inf. Ing. Bn., Camp Roberts, Calif. Pvt. Otto 0. Schnellbacher, 402nd Tng. Gp. Unit No. 3, Flight I, B.T.C. #4, Miami Beach, Florida. Pvt. Joe C. Roberts, 78th Int. Trng. Bne, Coe B, Camp Roberts, Calif. Pvt. Floyd J. Svoboda, Co. +s 31st E.T. Bn.. Bks. 1707, Fort Leanard Wood, Mo.