Mr. Lacy Haynes, Kansas City Star Kensas City, Keneas. Dear Lasy: Don*t read all this dope, but I wanted you to see what we are doing for our Kansas athletes in the service. Many of boys write us letters, and not being able to reply to all we get out a mimeographed letter with the addresses of each boy so that the other fellows can keep in touch with those they have for the moment lost contact with. | . _ i have sent ono to the "Aduiral” at the George Washington Inn. I thought he would like to keep up with his old pale of former years. _ Some time at the first opportumity I m going to drop and have a visit with you. And you know I premised you that I look after that post-flu difficulty of yours. I was going te write you a special letter to thank you your extreme kindness in taking care of Eleanor’s announcement. Mrs. Allen end I deeply appreciate the same and I apologize for being tardy because it wae a wonderful service that you did for us. You know these women just have to take care of those details when it comes to a wedding. And how you did it! You have been mighty friendly to the Allen family and we greatly appreciate it. \ I was glad to see by Saturda; morning's paper that William Allen White and the Mrs. were able to leave the hospital. : Give Men. Haynen soul Macy dune cur winment regards. | Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.