ee Hiaad Po Deivetan hawt REV. RALPH H. JENNINGS, PH.D., MINISTER 7TH STREET AND NEBRASKA AVENUE KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Novel4,1945 Coach "Phog" Allen University of Kansas Laweence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen, | Relative to our conversation after Rotary meeting last tuesday in Kansas City, Kans. I have eleared with the Prineipal at Wyandotte High School as to the proposed dates of entertaining the Wyaadotte High School Football Team at the Hi-12 Club on D ecember-"Str or 12th for a noon-day meeting. lr, Wellemeyer states that both dates or open but that onceWeinesday the léth is a much better day for them. I hope this is acceptable to you. If the l2th is not open for you, of couse they can come on the Sth. We anxiously await your reply. Most cordially, @ f [< kfe A, errs Ralph H.Jennings