November 20, 1944, Dr. We Ge Jessen, Peabody, Kansas. Dear Dr. Jessen: | ‘This will confirm my secretary's telephone conversation is afternoon about your tickets. I had gone to baskat~ no and was sorry not to be able to talk with you. I am enclosing the two single reservations. Your check turned over to Mr. Zarl Palkonstien in the athletic i am also enclosing the money that is due you, $2.50. I will be glad +o talk to you about Bob Brown when I He is a good ball handler but as you sey, he lacks ressiveness. But we hope to put a little more fight into him, Yes, indeed, wa will be glad to add the Purlungs Barber Jayhawk Rebounds ae list. I am getting another out in just a few days. With kindest regards, Iam Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.