B February 12,. 1945. lire Su Be Jones, Track Coach, University of “iseonsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Dear Ton: ; ss san ws ah a ay Sos i Ok en Thanks alse for seriding the elipping. But my real joy came in hearing from you and lmowing that you have still got the old fight to combat the cemblers and the under-grounders. there are too many fellows that are afraid to speak out, al-. though they have known about this all the time. Harold Olsen is one of them, He is a toe-dancing, shadow-boxing politician. Give my icindest regards to Mrs. Jones, and I congratulate you - both on the fact that your daughter is married and that you are grandfather and grandmother. We have five grandehildren and feel rather ancient at times. But yesterday tw of om youngsters were home and we hed quite a housewarming. Bobty, our youngest son, e in the Amy medical corps. graduated at Pennsylvania last year. } jested on color-blindness twice, but he has now fer hia ensignship, I hope. He is @ lawyer and has been practicing, and has a child six years of age. He was offered a commission in _ ‘the Merines end the Navy but the color test got him before. He feels ‘that he cannot stay out any longer, but Uncle Sem is still the boss. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am amecns ae’ Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.