3 February 5, 195. Sincerely youra, \ Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. FCA di August 20, 1945 Mr. Harry Jennings : Bonds Incorporated Sree 917 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, Kansas Dear Harry: ' I have just wired you to the effect that Mrs, Allen and I will be unable to attend your Rotary Club last fire-side picnic tonight. Mrs. Allen and I have a young sick grandchild in our care with the mother absent temporarily from our home, Jill, our nine month old daughter of our daughter, Jane Mons, took ill last evening and scared the grandmother nearly to death, She is teething and last evening after dimer she was seized with an attack that might not have been too serious, but with the daughter away Mrs. Allen, fearing something untoward might happen, nearly lost her composure. ; What I am endeavoring to say, Harry, is that with a sick grand- child at home, Mrs. Allen and I wold not venture to leave her during this warm weather in her condition, more from fear of what might happen to her in her mother's absence. Thanks so much for thinking of us. We would have been dee lighted to have attended under more favorable conditions. Please give your Rotarians my appreciation end kindest regards. Sincerely, ; Porrest C. Allen : Governor, District 125 R.I. FPCAsef OFFICERS DIRECTORS FRANK H.JENNINGS,PRESIDENT FRANK C.DECOURSEY,VICE PRES. A.H.JENNINGS,JR..TREASURER CARROLL E.PRAY, SECRETARY W.A.BAILEY DR.L.LAFE BRESETTE NORVEL E.SMITH GEORGE H.WEST RAY T. WILLETTE VENIENT INVESTMENT REGISTERED BROKER KANSAS CITY 17, KANSAS PHONE DREXEL 2430 917 MINNESOTA AVENUE Aug. 14, 1945 Mr. Forrest ©. Allen District Governor 123rd District Rotary Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Our Rotary Club is giving its last fire-side Rotary picnic for the year on Thursday, September 20th, at the lake home of Charles and Helen Marsh, at Gardner, Kansas. It will be the pleasure of our organization to have you and Mrs. Allen our guests for this picnic, which will take place ebout 6:50 p.m. This particular group consists of approximately thirty-five of our Rotarians and their Rotary-Anns. There is generally quite a number of guests, so we should have approximately one hundred in attendance, Our club is especially proud of the award given to us by Governor Howard suigley last year for our successful fire-side meetings. Due to the fact that Gardner Lake is very close to your home, you will find it convenient to attend and we would very much appreciate the presence of yourself and Mrs. Allen on this occasion. It might be, for company's sake, you would like to bring the president of your club and his wife along with you. If so, we would be very glad to have them. Yours in the spirit of AHJ CB DIVISION OF SANITATION KANSAS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH LAWRENCE, KANSAS MEMORANDUM Date July 25, 1945 From: Ogden S. Jones To: Dre Fe Co Allen Subject: West Point Training As I know you are interested in how rugged the training is at West Point, I am quoting from a letter just received from one of the cadets. "We are having bayonet training now. If there was ever anything that is almost unbearable, this is it. It was tough learning bayonet in the army, but this is really tough. The other day I was picked out by the instructor as being the one who was working the hardest in the drill, but on the run back to the barracks I almost passed out I was so tired. We are also taking full field marches of increasing distance with the real marches to be made on maneuvers in August." Sincerely yours, OIL FISLD SECTION Ogden S. Jones Geologist OSJs:hls a duly 30, 1945 Mr. Ogden Jones Engineering Building Campus — Dear Ogdens . I went you to know how very much I appreciate your giving me the Mythical Jayhawk, by Kirke Mecham, I still haven't had an oppor- tunity to read it but I nevertheless appreciate Ate Sincerely, Porrest C. Allen Director, Physical Bd. Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:ef duly 31, 1945 Ensign Edgar L. K. Johnson VF ~- 15, Pleet Post Office San Francisco, California Dear Ensign Johnson: Thank you, Sir, for returning Insig W. R. Johnson's letter. This is a monthly letter that I send to all Kansas athletes in the service and I call it the Jayhawk Rebound; a rebound from the backboard, and a rebound from the Japanazi. Giseerety, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Bducation Varsity Basketball Coach FOA:ef July 31, 1945 Mrs. Swan Johnson 1150 N.E. Twelfth — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Dear Mrs. Johnson: oe : ZI am sending you copies of Rebound No. 16 ‘and No. 17. The 16 is a story about Bill that I thought you would enjoy. As you can see by the address which we sent it to, we have an incorrect address because it was returned to us by Ensign Bdgar L. K. Johnson. I thought by sending it to you that you could mail it to the correct address if you wish, | Gar he Ensign Johnson wrote that he was sure that Ensign We Re Johnson would undoubtedly appreciate the correction to enable him to receive his mail more quickly; but we do not know where Bill is and we will have to depend upon you to fur~ nish the same for us. Trusting that you are well and that this nasty mess will soon be over, I an Sincerely, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coagh FCAsef Enc. W. C, JESSEN, D._D. S. PEABODY, KANSAS May 15, 1945. De. We Oy Jessen, Peabody, Kansas. Dear Dr. Jessen: How did things turn out? We have heard that Charlie has taken the job. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physioal Education, POA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Set. Curtice Jenkins, 50 South Sth Bast, — Salt lake City, Utah. Dear Curt: I was glad to hear from you, and to know that you have had a visit with Jack Richardson. Yes, indeed, we are glad to put your name on our mailing list for the Jayhawk Rebounds. I am enclosing the last two issues of the Rebounds, and trust that you enjoy ’ reading thet. ‘Del. Davidson and Bunn are still on the job, and when I see them I will tell them you sent your regards. Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Bducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Kearns, Utah 17 April 1945 Dear "poc" Allens Just a line to let you know that I am still in states. Have been here with the Physical Training Depart- ment since coming into the army. Had the pleasure of talking with Lt Jack Richardson, who is now stationed at the Station Hospital here at Kearns. Gave me a copy of "Jayhawk Rebounds" which I read very thor-_ oughlyi Would appreciate very much if I could get on your mailing list. Its good to learn where the "gang" is and what they are doing. Had seen in the "Yank" about Dean Nesmith being in Italy. Don't think they could have picked a better man. My regards to Del Davidison and "Bunn". Sincerely yours Sgt Curtice Jenkins . f ’ aa am ee tte es A the : re P ee * el * es tt RR NY ERE! eaten res | ate a. ee He Been Reereving Run own 1 Rewounos Awo / énsoy iT Very Mued. There Has Besn a kirme Desay ww crs Reever | Dut To THE IntonneeT AomRESS. / Have Been At THE ABove Apoaess fe A Year New AND MV on is Sue- Depot ENgINEERING OFFIeER AT A B-17 Base. / fave Been WATCHING THE’ Box Scores of THE WU. RacneT Bann TEAM Aap Hore { caw See ent or Your Games sn Person Next Season ——— maa fg “ Bes r ‘thon March 27, 1946. Mr. Fred W. Johansen, Superintendent of Schools, Clarinda, Iowa. Dear Superintendent Johansen: I om sorry that we are bereft of any man to suggest for the position as athletic coach and PSH training dir- - eeter in your public sshools. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to recommend someone to you, and I am sorry that I cannot do this. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Edueation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION “CHARLES JOELS GEORGE WOOLSON RALPH PETERSON ROBERT HAWLEY LESLIE MCCALLA OFFICERS Clarinda Public Schools — hanks Jone, ereeineny Clarinda, Sowa OTTO HERZBERG, TREASURER March 23, 1945 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir The position as athletic coach and physical training director in our public schools is open here for another school year and we are wondering if you could recommend someone for the position. We are looking for someone who can take charge of the football, basketball and track coaching and be director of the physical training in the senior and junior high school. We do not know definitely what we can pay as this will depend to some extent on the experience and training of the person we select, but I imagine it will be in the neighborhood of $2750.00. If you can recommend someone for the position I should be pleased to have you do so. I should be glad to hear from you. Very truly yours Gd W. FWJ:BS red W./ Johansen Superintendent Marveh 5 1945. Mr. W. De Jochems, President, Kansas United War Pund, Ino., 400 Gentral Building, 700 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Ia. Jochems: I acknowledge with thanks wannsgs of ™ "Gitation for Meritorious Service". I assure you it was a pleasure to cooperate in the National War Pund campaign. : Very sincerely yours, | _ Director of Physical Bducation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. “ye =KANSAS UNITED WAR FUND GOV. ANDREW F. SCHOEPPEL Honorary President JUDGE W. D. JOCHEMS President A. C. HANCOCK Vice-President E. W. STILWELL Vice-President MRS. W. G. WEST Vice-President FRANK HAUCKE Secretary DAVID NEISWANGER Treasurer JOHN G. STUTZ Assistant Treasurer MILTON TABOR Publicity Chairman BEN LUDY Radio Chairman HON. HARRY H. WOODRING Speakers Chairman FRANK L. BYNUM State Director COUNTY QUOTAS W. LAIRD DEAN, Chairman RICHARD L. BECKER W. D. FERGUSON G. CARL HIPPLE A. Q. MILLER 0. A. POWELL DAVID NEISWANGER E. W. STILWELL INCORPORATED 400 CENTRAL BUILDING ~ 700 KANSAS AVENUE © TELEPHONE 2-2611 TOPEKA, KANSAS March 2, 1945 Dear Doctor Allen: At the suggestion of your County War Fund Chairman we ere pleased to enclose a “Citation for Meritorious Service". This is in recognition of your splendid cooperation in helping to place your county “over the top" in the second National War Fund Campaign. We are sure that another appeal for funds will be made this Fall, and we have asked ell of our County War Fund Chairmen to hold their organizations together. Your continued loyalty and cooperation will be very encouraging and of great help to your Chairman in making the third campaign a complete success also. You will be interested in knowing that our State quote of $1,226,000.00 has been exceeded by raising $1,242,534.26; © however, all of the funds raised have not as yet been remitted. With kind wishes. Sincerely yours, > 3 , March 5, 1945. Mr. Bobby Ds Jacobs, PhM 3/a, Hedisal Dept., Naval Air Station, Navy #28, o/o Pleet Postoffice, San Francisco, Calif. My dear Bobby: Mighty happy to have your letter of January 29th. I feel apologetic in not answering sooner, but we have been in the midst of a heavy basketball campaign, together with Red Cross drives, war fund drives, and so forth. All this has occupied a great deal of my time. I notice that you would like to go te the University of Kansas, and I want to assure you we would be happy indeed to have you. We have a four-year coaching course, which we oall a major in Physical Hducation in the School of Education. I am send- ing you a copy of the course of study so that you can see the sub- jects outlined for the four-year period. If you have any questions about the course we will be happy to answer them for you. And we hope it will not be long until you can enroll at K.U. With best wishes, I ana Very sincerely yours, # , Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. U. S. NAVAL AIR STATION Navy Number 28 c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California January 29 1945 Dear Mr. Allen; I am writing this letter in hepes that yeu can give me a little infermatien cencerning my pest war future. I am a sailer, overseas at the present, frem Norten Kansas, where I was bern and acquired my high scheol diplema. I was planning on attending college at the Kansas Universityu until I joined the Navy. I have played 4 years of high scheel basketball and enjoyed it very much. I am new 20 years eld. I would like te ge te the Kansas University after the war and take up a course which will enable me te teach and ceach basketball in a high schoeel. Can I acquire my requirements fer teaching and coaching at the Kansas University? If se what ceurses de yeu offer, and what is the required time te cemplete this cours If it would net be te much treuble, would yeu mind sending me a past histery ef the basketball games and the results of each during the peried ef your coaching? A bunch ef us boys have been arguing and I claim that K.U. has as geod if net better record ef championships than any college in the geod ole U.S.A. Natumgally. I would appreciate this information very much, Thank you. Yeurs oo a AF Ph.M.3/c USNR Ug tenes aolelrece ce; dake peek Ais A “iy 2 lop ot o9 > : February 26, 1945, - Honorable Brrett P. Scrivener, Menber of Congress, — Washing ton, De Ce Dear Congressman Sorivener: It is indeed a pleasure for m to write you concerning the high qualifications of Ogden S. Jones, Jre, for consideration for an appointment at the United States ‘ilitary Academy at ' West Point, New York. : I have known Ogden Jones for a number of years and have found him to be of the highest intellectual type. lie is a splendid athlete, excelling in the high jump and hurdles in track. I. have had the pleasure of playing golf with him a number times and find him a sterling competitor and a high grade gentleman, He is an exceptional student. He is highly regarded among his fellows and has the added ability to make friends in all walks of life. At the present time he is serving in the 14th Armored Division of the Seventh Army hs t In my opinion he will be a real contribution t the Military Academy. It gives me great pleasure to testify to this young man's character, ability and standing in this commmnity. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, | PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. February 28, 1945. Mr. Ogden Jones, University of Kansas. Dear Ogden; The varsity basketball team and its coach are eternally grateful to you for your exceptional service rendered us in making the trip to Leavenworth. There are not many fellows that would put then- selves out to do the things you do for people. For this and many other favors, I wish to say thank you a thousand times. £ Sincerely yours, - Direotor of Physical Education, FCA :AH _ Varsity Basketball Coach. : ‘ 5 Mareh ly 1945. Mr. Harvey A. Jetmore, P. 0. Box 175, Weslaco, Texas e Dear itr. Jetmor se: Thank you very much for your very fine letter. I snipinetons the same very much, I aia have a fine visit with Ronald but was in a hurry and did not get out to see his aac He is a grand fellow “ee doing a swell job. | | I will be happy to see you upon your return. I sin- ) cerely trust that you and Mrs. Jetmore will enjoy that wonderful climate there and I mee: that your — will be immediate and | permanent. 7 With all cad wishea, I an Sincerely yours, * ‘Direotor of Physical Education, . POA:AH : a | Varsity Basketball Coach. . ALLEN A POLITICIAN By Associated Press LAWRENCE, Kan., Feb. 23.— Dr. F. C. (Phog) Allen, fiery Uni- versity of Kansas football men- tor, is entering a new field— politics. He has filed as a candidate for the Lawrence City Council on the Republican ticke, i ii ull w ..v Un an Antonio Express MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS—LEASED WIRE SERVICE UNITED PRESS, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, NEW YORK TIMES SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, SAL YBRAY. MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, :\945 2 Ss HARVEY A. J : oo ) 2 1926 N. H. ST. ; ; ms I> . ; a me : LAWRENCE, KANSAS : IK alame ae Vhiyad ifs Wor br @, id ae te aes LG. [5 ; rie : De . “ae le Br Bead fons geet CE,