April 7, 1943. Mr. Ym. C. Johnson, 1112 Sanford, — : St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Bill: I am happy to reply to your request contained in your wire of April 6th. I sincerely trust that you will get what you desire from thé Navy. T am sending you tren enpiee to be used as you deem necessary. Hichine: sachs Steer: tesite Shodan, id ki mas Natunen his medical grind, and Eleenor is graduating with a major in psychology et Penn this June. Jene is in Chicago, the wife of a Naval Aviation lieutenant, Mary is in Palo Alto with her family of three children and her husbend, Pete Nerilton, and Milton is a lawyer, having taken his LL.B. last summer after graduating from the School of Business in 1936. He is with the Hereules Powder Company as assistant to the special in- vestigator. Isabel Perry Allen and Mit. have one child, Judy, five years of age. They live here in Lawrence and have bought their own home, but Mit may be called along with the married men with one child some time in July, August or Septenber. Mra. Allen asked to be remeribered most kindly to you _ your lovely wife. I enjoyed the fine visit with you in ve Louis when we played St. Louis University. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Bduoation, FCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach.