The Journal of HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 311 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN October 6, 1942 University of Kansas #2 Maintenance Lawrence, Kansas Atte: Mr. Frank E. Milligan Dear Mr. Milligan: I have your order for 200 reprints of “Prerequisites for Teacher Certification in Physical Education in the United States" by Morehouse and Schaaf. Your quotation for the cost of the reprints is correct but there is some question as to whether the covers will cost more than $6.00. I have taken this matter up with our printer and as soon as I receive this information I will send it on to you before sending in the order for the reprints in case you may wish to change the order somewhat. Will this be satisfactory to you? Cordially yours, . Yeay LM Mary Wib Secretary Official Journal of the eilitoein sith aseiiilities for Htealth, Physical Cducation, vail Loci