ft October 19, 1942. Professor T. D, Jones, Department of Design, University of Kansas. Dear Professor Jones: Those missing motors which I thought could never be delivered to us here were received between April and . had a turnedowm on them a year ago, ami hed given up. Mr. Falkenstien had paid formthem on dune 2nd, bu t of their arrival. et E : When you spoke to the impression that we had not enough of then to I went to Mr. Falkenstien and said, “Why can't we let Professor Jones - have those motors if we do not have enough.” And then I learned the story. 4 | 2 2 f : a : i Of course, we want to finish our scoreboard, and I am sorry that I cannot accommodate you, but we will use them for our scoreboard which will be ready for the first game December Sth. If et any time I cen accommodate you in any way please feel _ free to call upon me. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Edusation, FCA: AH . Varsity Basketball Coach.