September 6, 1945. Mr. Js ?. Jones, Manager, HayeseLucas Lumber Co., Mankato, Minnesote. Dear Je Pez I am happy to have your letter of the 3rd instant, and am hastening to reply. I+ will be a pleasure for me to look up Lewis J. and get better acquainted with him. I was over at Lindley Hall last week, going over the ‘building with the commandant, Col. MoMorris. I will make it a point to get in touch with Lewis and if I can arrange it I will take him to Rotary to have him get acquainted with the Rotarians. I will send for Lewis to stop by the office at the earliest possible moment. Thank you for all your good wishes, and I assure you we will take the very best of care of the young man. Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.