Sept. ll, 1941 Mr. Carl Jessup 1158 Jackson Wichita, Kansas Dear Carl, I was shocked and grieved beyond measure to learn of the passing of your lovely wife. Only those who have traveled the Golgotha Road can appreciate what a shock it is to lose someone so dear to youe In 1925 we lest our oldest son, Forrest, Jre, and I assure you that I know to what depths your sorrow reaches. There is only one thing to do, Carl, and that is to keep busy. Time is the eraser of all sorrow, but time will fly faster when you work incessantly. Words ars so inadequate at a time like this, but I believe if you could get a coaching job and put your all - into that work that it would be the very best thing under the con- ditions. We regret that we are not going to have you back with us this fall. We were counting so much on it. However, if at any time there is anything we can do to help you in any way, please command us. With a deep and sincere understanding I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach October 16, 1941 Mr. H. P. Johnson 6680 Ohic St. Gnaha, Nebraska Dear Mr. Johnson, ‘ she I woulé be very clad te have you as my guest for the Iows State geme at Lewrence on October 25. I assure you it will be a pleasure to have you with us. You certainly are a loyal and enthusiastic follower of the fine - sport of football as it should be played. I can tell by the way you write that you keep in close contact with things athletic and it is apparent thet your outlook on the Kansas football ‘situation is a very intelligent and wholesome one. Will you please tell me what time you will arrive? If you drive, of course you may come to my office in the cyanne lime I have a gign above my door, “Department of Physical Education”. I'd be very happy to see you and I'm sure 1 St ee ee enjoy a very pleasant gotworestion. Will you reply at your convenience? Sincerely, . : Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach 6680 ohio Street Omaha, Nebraska, October 15,1941. Mr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, os Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Mr. Allen: The writer wishes to take this liberty of writing to you relative to our correspondence of last fall on the question of football vs. basket-ball which originated from a speech that you made at a high school football dinner in Kansas City last fall. You probably recollect the letter that you received from me and of the long and most interesting letter that you wrote to me and in which you out- lined in detail the struggles that you have had to create an athletic plant at Kansas University. Also you may recollect my second letter in which I stated that I was mis-informed when I wr: wrote my first letter to you. Mr Allen there was one thing about our correspondence that I have not forgotten, and this was the invitation that I should call on you in the event that I should come to Lawrence during the football season. You recollect from my letters that I am a native Kansaa and a booster for old K.U, and that my football enthusiasm for the Jayhawkers starts from the days of the great Tommy Johnson. You recollect that you told me in your long letter of the days of Johnson, Pooler, Donald and others and of ythe picture in your office of Tommy Johnson. Does this invitation still stand and what game would be most convéniént to you, the Iowa State or when the alumni of the Coffeyville, Kansas High School, and now known as the Missouri Tigers tangle with the Jayhawkers. I make this statement because at least two in the first team from Missouri and two or three in the second and third teams are all from Coffeyville, Kansas, and futhermore I wish to challenge anyone to prove to me that anyone from Coffeyville has played during the past ten years on either the K.U. or K.State football teams. I am not very interested in the K.U. K.S. game. I would certainly be very pleased to visit you Mr Allen and see the athletic department of K.U. and also to meet some of the gentlemen connected with the football end, and to outline my plan for an intensive campaign against every high school in the state to endeavor to keep Kansas boys at their fine University or else at K.State. Colorado with Jim Yeager is getting all the promising material from the Western part of the state and his assistant Prentup is luring the boys away from Manhattan, Nebraska scouts swarm all over the Northern part, Oklahome and Missouri the South and Lynn Waldorf, McMillin and Ralph Graham combing the entire state. So here you have the writers outlook of the Kansas football situation. But I do want to congratulate you on your great success with basket-ball and to wish you another conference title which will offset the football situation. Ve ( ely)yours iw ‘ Bh. PP, hnson UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION January 30, 1941 Mre HePe Johnson 6680 Ohio Street Omaha, Nebraska Dear Mre Johnsons Thank you for your good letter of the 27th instante I was happy to hear from you and I will be happy to have you as my guest when you come to Lawrences The schedule for next year has been tentatively arranged as follows: Septe 26 = Temple University at Philadelphia (night game) Octe 4 - Washington University (Ste Louis) at Lawrence Octe ll - Nebraska at Lincoln Octe 25 - Towa State at Lawrence Nove 1 @- Oklahoma at Norman Nove 8 ~ West Virginia at Morgantown Nove 15 - Kansas State at Lawrence Nove 22 or 27 - Mis souri at Lawrence Personally, I am not so well acquainted with the activities of the Century Club, only having heard of its organization and many of the contri butorse The Relay Club has had Glenn Charlton, Lawrence Business man; Burt Ober, Lawrence clothing mans and Dre Hele Kirkpatrick, Physician, Topeka; as past presidentse I believe that this Relay Club membership of $10.00 entitles the bearer to two football games and the R@lays, the rest of the money, I understand, goes to the benefit of footballe I want to thank you for your very nice letter and assure you it would be a pleasure to see you when you come to Lawrencee Will you please write me ahead of time so that I may be sure to be available to entertain youe Very cordially yours, FVUA :lg Mere He Pe Johnson 6680 Ohio Omaha, Nebraska Dear Mr. Johnson, I*ll be happy to sce you when you come to Lewrence. I have a departmental budget conference with the University officials at 10 Bem. The meeting may lest quite some time, but I will | be free before noon. I'11 arrange to see you and show you eround. I'm happy to have the list of old-time football players. The right guard in 1902 and tackle in 1905 wes uy brother, He Be (Pete) Allen. He is now cormandant of the R.0.T.C. at Stanford at Palo Alto. Wis rank is Lientenant Colonel. The names of these ' gldtimers are slightly misspelled, but I kmow most of them and I'll be happy to run over the list with you. Many of them have passed ai. - With all good wishes and hoping you can make it I em Sincerely yours, ba Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION October 16, 1941 Mr. Ry Pe Johnson 6680 Ohio St. Omaha, Nebraska ee Dear Mr. Johnson, ~ I ee yt glad to have you as my guest for the Iowa State game atlewrence on October 25. I assure you it will be a pleasure to have you with us. f You certainly are a loyal and enthusiastic follower of the fine gsport of football as it should be played. I can tell by the way Jf you write that you keep in close contact with things athletic fo and it is apparent that your outlook on the Kansas football ff situation is a very intelligent and wholesome one. o Will you please tell me what time you will arrive? If you drive, 7 of course you may come to my office in the gymnasium. I have a sign above my door, "Department of Physical Education". I'd be very happy to see you and I'm sure that we would enjoy a very pleasant conversation. a your convenience? Lav wath COO, Thy, 1900 Breese Shrant Alphin Carter Pouppirt Wilcox Algie Botsford Copping Quigley Jenkinson 1902 Algie Nutting Vincent Thornberry Allen —_ Brumma ge Hicks — POULER — Read Jenkinson Love=-Mosher 1904 ? 1906 Pleasant Donald Reed Milton Putnam Crowell White Augney Wallace Miller Brenner 1908 Pleasant Caldwell Reed Carlson wood Crowell Rice JOHNSON MEPere Dahlene Bo AS A Re “SHORRECERE 1901 Hicks Vincent — Dodds Hess —— Louthan Brummage -— Nofsinger Elder Bozzi Jenkinson — Morrison 1903 Fleischman = Donald — Ackerman -—— Michaelson —— Brunnely — Allen —— Hicks ~— POOLER — Rice — Chappell ~ Brumnage 1905 Rouse Donald Reed Milton Keintzman Strickler White POOBER Miller Augneys Brenner 1907 Pleasant-Rouse Caldwell Reed Carlson Bond-Wood Crowell White JOHNSON Forter Poster Rice 1909 Ammons Caldwell Smith Carlson Lovett Randall Ford JOHNSON Pleasant Magill Dahlene j 1910 Lyneh Ahrens Davidson Spear Baird Smith Powers Heil Johnson Woodbury Ammons 1912 Price Weidline Groft Bramwell Tudor Burnham Brownlee Magill Martin Detweiler Stewe 1914 Reber Burton Strothers Kneeling James Croft Coolidge wood Detweiler Gray Stryker 1916 Shinn Burton Smith Miner Vernson Kabler Reid Foster Pringle Lindsey Neilson 1919 Laslett Nettles Ruble Hart Smith Kampert Lonberg Wood Lonberg Pringle Reid H “REORSS°RRE “HE°BSS°SEE "HE BRACREE UW a Bee°RR Es my FO te 3 LG oa RG RT Ake 8 1911 Delaney Davidson Bramwell Ahrens Weidline Baird Brownlee Heil Woodbury Coolidge Ammons 1913 Rober Weidline Malloy Kneeling Hammond Burton Tudor Russell Sommers Greenlee Stewe 1915 Heath Frost Reddy Kneeling Groft James Reber Lindsey Holt Gillespie Neilson 1917 Laslett Nettels Jones Hull Ennis Frost Lonberg Foster Pringle Mandeville Neilson 1920 Reid Nettles JOnes Hale or Hart woody Davidson McDonald Little Mandeville Lonberg Allison over Black LE Higgins Lt Jones LG Saunders +6 Weildline RG Davidson RT McDonald RE Wilson 'Q Mc Adams LH Griffin RBH Spurgeon P+. 1923 Sanborn LE Mos by LT Haley LG Lonberg C Fraker RG Davidson RT Griffin RE Krueger Q Burt LH Black RH Smith F 1925 Baker ~ LE Smith i Sanborn LG | Davidson Cc ht- Mullins RG Lattin RT Testerman RE Anderson Q Zuber Starr Hart 1922 Black Cave Higgins Lonberg Haley Mos by Griffin Wilson Mc Adams Spurgeon Shannon ae 1924 Sanborn * Smith Haley Davidson Yaylor Hardy Testerman Hodges Zu ber - Starr Burt 1926 Hauser Cramer ~~ Kullman Davidson Myers Wall Shenk | Anderson. ~ Zuber Starr _ Raup . March 16, 1942. National Bank of Topeka Bldge. Topeka, Kansas. Dear Bal: , Thank you so much for your letter of March 9th, in which you enclose a copy of your remarks made at Hoch Auditorium at the ceremony on March 6th. I am preserving this for my scrapbook. It was a@ great honor to me for you to have this part in the programe With best wishes for your continued success, I Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Balfour Jeffrey, Topeka attor- ney, gave the audience something to wondér about in Lawrence Fri- day night where he spoke as a part of the program for Dr. F. C. some luggage, Jeffrey said: |suggest that Dr. and Mrs. Allen |go on a second honeymoon in |quest of some basketball play- ers.’ —R. B. DORAN, KLINE, COSGROVE,JEFFREY & RUSSELL LAWYERS NATIONAL BANK OF TOPEKA BUILDING THOMAS F. DORAN TOPEKA, KANSAS 1862 —1939 CLAYTON E.KLINE M.F. COSGROVE BALFOUR S.JEFFREY c.A.MAGAW “ROBERT E.RUSSELL March 9; 19he. OF COUNSEL Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: a Enclosed is a little squib from the Topeka State Journal for Saturday, March 7th. You very probably have seen it and will recall that the remarks referred to were not made by me but by Bill Miller. I am enclosing a copy of the remarks which I had prepared prior to the ceremony last Friday night. I cannot recall of ever having been so nervous over having a part in a public program before and I am ashamed to say that I did a little stuttering over what I had to say. I have never made a speech in which I-was so anxious to say the right thing and felt so keenly what I was saying. Therefore, I hope you will excuse what may well have appeared to have been mike fright. While the whole ceremony was entirely for your honor, I at the same time felt that it was one of the greatest honors to have come to me to have a part in it. With all good wishes, I am Very truly yours, BALFOUR S. JEFFREY. BSJ : CW Enc. 4 Donohue, representing yc Sicihatliagtin Uf Stic stktanad Tene, nad than ck of tie Siva te engled up to me end whispered something like thia « “Some time you may receive some golf balls” ~ or something to that effect. ly hearing is not highly acute, and since Director of Physical Bineation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. eM a DRESS) Se ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR AD Dr. Forrest C,Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Docs: Dont you worry. That invoice will arrive eventuaily--from Chicago. How about that golf game? EARL JONES A. G. SPALDING & Bros. REPRESENTATIVE SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO MY HOME ADDRESS, 500 West 72ND Sr., KANSAS City, Mo. TELEPHONE HILAND 3542. | tia Ih ft 3 al HR ea gi : gster galigaa rh iy ie , At RABE peek ii a gisis g55cesod of i na he ak ba He " 058 Ni g* i fete ; WSge0as Fas te «ag Lb si'gi Wihdg, at2h gai at ie Hil Aj saad: wtb in iti By gés + [is ‘45 I ye els W3 aad Hoag] Eeptated gue ape 2s i a flee ney ipa 3 "2; aoa atin dad alll! ha ai December ll, 1941, Mrs Hugh Le Johnson, Palmer Memorial Institute, Sedalia, North Caroline. Dear Hugh: I am enclosing my check for $1.00 as a contribution toward your gyrmasium fund. I would like to give more, but there are so many demands upon me that I find this impossible. But if you have many friends who will give one dollar each I em eure it will help on your very worthy project. Yes, my son Bob is at the University of Pennsylvania, in the medical school, and Eleanor, our youngest daughter, is also enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania. Bob is working very hard at his course of study, and enjoying it. He and Eleanor will be home, of course, oe Christmas holidays. We are in the midst of preparations for our basketball season which opens on December 17th with Denver University playing here. 3 With best wishes for the Christmas season, I em Very sincerely yours, * Director of Physical Education and Rear ewe nny FCA sAH Varsity Basketball and Beceunlt Coach. Faculty Committee WALTER H. ENGLISH, Academic Dean CECIE R. JENKINS, Advisor of Girls CHARLES A. GRANT t Athletic F. ELIZABETH BURWELL J Directors EMORY H. RILEY, Superintendent of Grounds Alumni Committee Student Committee MRS. VINA W. WEBB CHARLES G. SCOTT, President of Senior Class MR. EUGENE BRICE ARY F. GREENE, President of Junior Class MRS. EMMA McMASTER LULA KELSEY, President of Sophomore Class MR. PAUL BROWN DURWARD NABORS, President of Freshmen Class MR. HENRY LANIER NORMAN A. JENKINS, President of Junior High Dept. $5,000 STUD ENT-FACULTY GYMNASIUM DRIVE ie If Waar : | Se Ne7d Carofind TS We ff hem 7 | : Nett -bhics 0? HO tedek: eke Tides @¢ f frelaes I. 7 ee pats. % To urvedd (uur ver Sar Che wa, The Covaley : ¢ Bor tlle z tes cry J "7500.00 go oe eee q5 gy Bb cll a eo oe oe ae 7 A eer : : x ro S ae Le. JS rewey, tuke 2s aoe € dae eS _ oo Ud. = meena Te wore J Wt. thee a. wis So FF Z “2 ¥ if, ae ite uwcdhitt = ae f Ti fi ree (C, Mh C aucse ae. . fee ; [ee as er c Ve oe 0 i oe nals Sm Lesa t 1% oe Ax Li Jw S 7 C Ke € J. eC TF Lite SA 7. Tf Soups fo tin e / J is. If Shwe seer x ee Sut 4A, Ye f- ye ee CE fore gs UV = co y eee Vg
en Is wpa a oa Lee Gee [Vase - whet se, oe V2 Re Oo Ove .. CA h_ /.L ee Tk Soe as ag “ee ae Lesle y Aa f ef/3>F fr => Meek Jew or lua ~-44 tr Zs fe | Ce © SC. Sy ae LB am 3 We dec ry ee sree hs S y 4 | be A gait: ie _ i a / ace poreRe - C1 (eK ip uy tbl 3° osT7 pe Bews DA x The St Son We ae pit\?\e felf er AD UNDA He hdc fe Ov a Page Ae SG = = pe a fag L we Le Tees yee roa oo d ay wes a Peaks tee cer onl 5 ee Dames SL 2h Poe Wang ge BX a I Fok 7. yn Vip CeO an ee 7 ae. ; ly ¢- you Be tA opens Ro Tyee Ce a ee eS eae Ra eit al. ra My eon pw L Ke: gofh ee veleTeth ny yp Deether - i ee hve, : ae FNL se eae < SY ou 40 LT: CaS. pe p m4 | oot hen ¢ fe Sec ei Say hawkers yea eq ee aT December ll, 1941. I was mighty happy to have your letter of December S$, and to Imow that you ere doing ove, at thio Ue Yes, indeed, I do remember Chio's toam and I imow the coaches theree Give them my Of course, we would like to have you back here, Tony, since you are there dig in and mike the best of ite Regarding your getting in shape, I would do the heel and toe exercises morning and night, fifty times on the tees and fifty back on the heels. Then I would do the full squat teentye to the fleer touching the fingers for would do the pusheup lying on the floor _ and pushing up with the arns_ keeping the body parallel to the floor tha i i it et Let me know how you get alongs I will be happy to hear from you from time to tines : Tes We should have @ better basketball tenn, but ali the other outfits — FCAsAH phieiiag nt tassitends Sieeidakcnie taciiiens. ae 7 Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache 56 East Mulberry St. Athens, Ohio December 3, 1941. Dear Phog, It has been sometime now since I have been at Kansas, at least it seems like allong time, and in reality has been but seven months, Since then many things have happened, far to numerous to write about here. Perhaps the most interesting to you would be the fact that I am now enérolled here at Ohio University, which in- cidentally has a pretty fair basketballiteam now and then, if you will remember last year's Madison Square Garden Invitation tournament, My degision to transfer here was due to various reasons, However my heart is not here with me, it stayed in Kansas. On the other hand T am making grades here that I never made at Kansas, much higher, and I am learning a great deal more. This is no reflection on the school, it is merely that here I do not have the outside interests, nor the various worries that were always with me out there, The main reason that I am writing to you is to ask of you a favor, naturally, (what other reason do people have for writing?) and that favor is small. Next spring I intend to go out for spring football here, more for the exercise than for any prospect of making the team, Now I want to get into some kind of shape before I undertake this, as I have run down quite a bit since starting to school. I was wondering if you could possibly, in your spare moments, which I realize are few, jot down a system by which I could round myself into some kind of shape. I have full use of the gym, although I am not taking any physical education work, and all the equipment, so that I could follow about any proceedure that you might outline. I would certainly appreciate it. It appears as though the basketball seasom is upon us, and I suppose that as usual, KE U will come through with a better than usual team. No doubt it will be somewhat better this year with "Cappy" back, and the better than average stock of sophmore material. I will follow the team agusual even though I am about a thousand miles away. I read the Star daily, and keep right up with the progress. Was glad to see euat we bens K Baste, Incidebbatiy te11 Grim helle for me if you seo him sometime, | Wed), I suppose that I had better quit bothering you for now, and get back to work myself. I certainly would be glad to hear from yeu on this matter, but if you find that you do not have time it will be o k, Scincerely yours, Tong Game fe January 5, 1942. Captain Milton H. Medenbach, SS = Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dear Sirs I have just talked with Dr. E, R. Elbel, Associate Professor of Physical Education of the University of Kansas, about my qualifi- cations for the physical education work which is available in your department. I will have at the end of this semester thirty hours of Physical Education and by the end of the year, I will have my master's de- gree in Education and Physical Education. I have also four years experience as director of athletics and physical education in public schools. I am now employed as Assistant in the Department of Physical Education at the University of Kansas, and as Director of all intramural sports, physical education instructor and coach at the Lawrence Junior High School. If I should be called within the next few months, and if, in your opinion, I would qualify for such a position, would it be possible to be deferred until I could finish and obtain my master's degree this dune? Since my classification is "1-H", it is quite likely that I may be called before it would be possible to obtain my degree. I am 29 years of age and single. If this could be arranged, I would like to have an application to fill in so that if and when I em called, the preliminary steps would be taken care of and I could continue with the type of work — which I have been doing. I should like to hear from you soon. Yours truly, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN January 20, 1942 MEMORANDUM Dre Forest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In reply to your letter of January 16 relative to enrollment of the members on the basketball squad. Please ask the members of the squad, who are enrolled in the School of Engineering, to contact me and we will make arrangements for their special enrollment. Sincerely yours, and Architecture JJdd/g February 16, 1942. Ur. Maurice Jackson, Room 716, Tower Hall, USHER Midshipman School, 820 Noe Michigan AvGe, ‘Chicago, Tillinois. : Dear Maurice: We were glad to have you and Sturm at our Chicago game, and Iassure you it was a pleasure to arrange for your tickets. You did a swell job of keeping score. Things are going along fine with the programs. The last one was printed in orange, and that was bad, but of course it wasn't your fault. But you left things in fine shape. I just called Mrs. Allen and shec pictures. The pictures of Judy are lovely. Mrs. Allen sends you her regards and best wishes. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAAH - Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. Cron) 6 U. S. N. R. Midshipman School Tower Hall 820 N. Michigan Avenu Chicago, llinais | Ae VL [94-2 bea hy. Ahlen) Savant te hank you fod hine Lifes tht bel ak garns.\ Shape 2 didinl seern) 00 e710 By We aofeciigy ‘ , 7 q eed. A Ae tle lrmithlybr, bat D tad Aitok/ tip AU — Dfpucl sip tod Citta nent ale lt leat, ED L. KLEIN, RECORDING SECRETARY ROBERT’S.-KERR, VICE-PRESIDENT =< ee sk eC EDGAR BONNOED. “TREASURER MANET aaa eee a GENERAL SECRETARY a Dece Dorher: the Asleia, 0: tall, tin i ‘= Be OKLAHOMA CITY. ORLA. 22k 23, roy - U7 Qf feu te ws C4 Oo ed fiey (Leaf. . PI fess Fe - = ae Of La, a G ‘ORS E. K. GAYLORD en or L. C. GRIFFITH =~ een By eri es ei ee VV MARRIS Gags lor to a RANKGOSIMEVERS = fi pon os oa PRED ROR MERE i : sc CALLAHAN . EVEREST Cc. EDGAR HONNOLD Mey 9, 1942. Mrs. Harry F. Jotmson, Dawson, Nebraska. Dear Dorothea: Thank you for your wonderful invitation to visit you and Warry in your home on May 21. I spoke to Mrs. Allen as soon as I received your letter and she said she would be de- lighted to accept the Johnson's hospitality if something did not interfere. | That something now is the fact that Mary and her three children who have been visiting us for a couple of months are still with us. They are leaving the 29th for California. Mary went out to California a month ago to pick out a home at Carmel, while Mrs. ‘ilen kept the children. Pete, her husband, is located on the coast and will be there pormanentily, I imagine. Mery just returned last night from Louisville, where she drove down to complete the details of shipping her furniture and so forth to the coast: Mhile she was in Louisville, Lee itéans was practicing some gymastic stunts and did a flip-flop, but the wrong way, and broke his right arm, both bonese ‘So we have had a lot of fcr Grandmother Allen to worry about. Towever, she would be de- lighted, I imagine, to get away from some of the responsibility and accompany me to your beautiful home. You will remember we “ed there to say hello onve when we were coming back from raske. It would be a great pleasure to see Lance and the other young husky. Of course, I remember Lance so woll because he was eee eniiot van < ae Seeetli your mother. Hot knowing the other young men's name, I will apalt the Sine with pleasure until I can get as well acquainted with him as I am with Lance. If Mrs. Allen should not be able to come I will let you know, but we are hoping now that she will be. Soe ee the very near future, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FOAAH |. Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. June 13, 1942. Dean J. J. Jakosky, School of Engineering, University of Keneas. Dear Dean Jakosky: I am sending you a folder on my Goal-Hi. This started out as a small thing, but has grown into quite goodly proportions. 4s I told you, I got a . . the president of the Medart Manufacturing ¥Y, telling me they are going to freeze all thie sort of stuff. I certainly am interested in your golf gadget. / Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and _ FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Ence Wr. R, C. Jackman, Bowersock Millis, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear lir,. Jackman: Some of ow’ men employed here at the Universi‘ wanted to buy the hay/on ow intrammal field, and after Mr. Bayles took what he wanted, we found that we had disposed of ell of it. I just wa to explain to you the reason for net calling you % buying some of the hay. — July 18, 1942. I realize the shoe industry is rather restricted in manufacture of certain articles, but if you om get this size shoe for me 1 will appreciate it. f Thanking you for a prompt reply, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. P.5. By the way, I locked for a Spalding catalog and the best Earl falkenstien had was a 1941 Spring and Summer catalog fer schools, It might be a good idea to send one to Earl and one to me if you have them on hand. PeCehe FRANK RYAN. MANAGER ee WELLS-!50 ROOMS-BATHS TULSA WELLS-ROBERTS 200 ROOMS-BATHS OKLAHOMA. CITY Ox avoma city, OKLAHOMA 7-21-42 Dear Doe: Thanks for your letter of July 18th which reached me here. I have forwarded it on to Chicago with instructions for them to give you proper attention both on the shoes and catalogs. Am just about thru with my summer traveling and will try to get over for a golf game soon but will have to have "UPS", Best wishes----- Earl Jones 500 West 72 Kansas City, Mo. Ure Earl Jones, | 500 West 72nd St., | Kensas City, Hoe | Deer Jonesy; i Please disregard the epistle that I wrote you regarding my good friend, “ O'Donoghue. I have plenty of golf balls and I do not want any. that sort of a chiseler, bu’ With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. AMbbpaldings Bro DIVISION OF SPALDING SALES CORPORATION BAA LEA TiC: OOCFTFIT Ter S 1012 GRAND AVENUE 8-12-42 KANSAS CITY, MO. Dear Doc: Your letter regarding the golf balls certainly came at an inoppor- tune time. “That Irishman named O'Donoghue" isnt with us any longer and the golf ball situation is just about the same. Since moving our stock to Chicago they have even put me on the “buying" basis and Coach, thats bad. I will make this promise however--If and when the golf ball sit- uation eases just a little i'll see that you get "some" and that means two or more doesnt it ? I dont know tho these promises might be therreason "That Irishman named O'Donoghue" isnt with us anymore. Will try to see you soon and best wishes-- Barl Jones 50 West 72 St