Mere He Pe Johnson 6680 Ohio Omaha, Nebraska Dear Mr. Johnson, I*ll be happy to sce you when you come to Lewrence. I have a departmental budget conference with the University officials at 10 Bem. The meeting may lest quite some time, but I will | be free before noon. I'11 arrange to see you and show you eround. I'm happy to have the list of old-time football players. The right guard in 1902 and tackle in 1905 wes uy brother, He Be (Pete) Allen. He is now cormandant of the R.0.T.C. at Stanford at Palo Alto. Wis rank is Lientenant Colonel. The names of these ' gldtimers are slightly misspelled, but I kmow most of them and I'll be happy to run over the list with you. Many of them have passed ai. - With all good wishes and hoping you can make it I em Sincerely yours, ba Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach