December ll, 1941. I was mighty happy to have your letter of December S$, and to Imow that you ere doing ove, at thio Ue Yes, indeed, I do remember Chio's toam and I imow the coaches theree Give them my Of course, we would like to have you back here, Tony, since you are there dig in and mike the best of ite Regarding your getting in shape, I would do the heel and toe exercises morning and night, fifty times on the tees and fifty back on the heels. Then I would do the full squat teentye to the fleer touching the fingers for would do the pusheup lying on the floor _ and pushing up with the arns_ keeping the body parallel to the floor tha i i it et Let me know how you get alongs I will be happy to hear from you from time to tines : Tes We should have @ better basketball tenn, but ali the other outfits — FCAsAH phieiiag nt tassitends Sieeidakcnie taciiiens. ae 7 Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache