m™ aN January 30, 1941 Mre HePe Johnson 6680 Ohio Street Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Mre Johnson: Thank you for your good letter of the 27th instante I was happy to hear from you and I will be happy to have you as my guest when you come to Lawrences The schedule for next year has been tentatively arranged as followss e Septe 26 «= Temple University at Philadelphia (night game) Octe 4 = Washington University (St. Louis) at Lawrence Octe 1l = Nebrasia at Lincoln Octe 25 «= Towa State at Lawrence Nove 1 - Oklahom at Norman — Nove 8 = West Virginia at Morgantown Nove 15 = Konsas State at Lawrence Nove 22 or 27 = Missouri at Lawrence Personally, I am not so wll acquainted with the activities of the Century Club, only having heard of its organization and many of the contri butorse 3 The Reélay Club has had Glenn Charlton, Lawrence Business mang Burt Ober, Lawrence clothing mang and ire Hele Kirkpatrick, Physician, Topekag as past presidents. I believe that this Relay Club membership of $10.00 entitles the bearer to two football games and the Relays, the rest of the money, I understand, goes to the benefit of football. I want to thank you for your very nice letter and assure you it would be @ pleasure to see you when you come to Lawrence, 111 you please write me ahead of time so that I may be sure to be available to entertain youe | Director of Physical Education and Recreation PUA slg Varsity Basketball Coach